[prime minister] 君主制国家内阁的首脑。某些非君主制国家政府首脑也沿用这个名称。 英国首相。
1. 谓宰相中居首位者。 宋邵博《闻见后录》卷二:“是时众中惟首相王因奏 延安郡王 当为皇太子,馀人无语。”《宋史・曾公亮传》:“ 公亮 明练文法,更践久,习知朝廷台阁典宪,首相韩琦每咨访焉。” 清孔尚任《桃花扇・设朝》:“不料今日做了堂堂首相,好快活也。” 2. 君主国家内阁首脑。某些非君主国家的中央政府首脑有时也沿用此称,职权相当于内阁总理。
称号由来英国第一任首相罗伯特・沃波尔当时担任财政大臣的职务。由于乔治一世对英国事务不感兴趣,也不懂英语,不能参与内阁讨论,因此首席大臣罗伯特・沃波尔主要负责国家的政治事务。在罗伯特・沃波尔之前,英国君主自己行使首相的职责,根据自己的意愿选择与组织政府。从罗伯特・沃波尔之后,君主的影响力衰退,首相的职务逐渐由议会中多数党的领导人担任。“首相”最初被用来形容专制君主的首席大臣,也用来指国王的走狗。像罗伯特・沃波尔、乔治・格伦维尔和诺斯伯爵都强烈抗议自己被称为首相。1937年议会通过《国王的大臣法》后,“首相”这个称号被正式定下来,同时首相兼任第一财政大臣的职务。但是很长一段时间内,人们习惯用第一财政大臣的称号胜于首相的称号。 在君主立宪制下,首相多为国会多数党的党魁或多数派的首领。 在君主独裁制度下,首相通常由君主任命,替君主执行命令的'内阁最高官员。 在议会制中,例如英国的西敏寺制度,首相是政府的首脑,而国家元首(国王或总统)只有仪式上的职能。在一些君主立宪的国家中,首相可实行宪法上授予君主的权力,而无需经国会批准。首相除了是政府首脑,首相也有其他职能,例如,英国的首相兼任“第一财政大臣”,而在第二次世界大战时,英国首相丘吉尔兼任国防大臣。 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国1972年以前政府的首长也称首相,由最高人民会议产生,负责召集并领导内阁会议。 某些非君主制国家政府首脑也沿用这个名称。
职位简介首相,为「首席宰相」的缩写,是君主制国家中政府首脑的中文通称。如英国和日本是君主立宪制政府,政府执政是靠参院选举产生领导人,然后领导人组织内阁来进行国家管理,这样的领导人叫首相。是国家政权管理的执行者,但是在名义上比较大的政策是要咨询国王(英国是女王,日本是天皇),并得到国王允许才能生效(仅是名义上,没有法力效力,但有舆论和精神领袖作用)。 在君主立宪制下,首相多为国会多数党的党魁或多数派的首领。在君主独裁制度下,首相通常由君主任命,替君主执行命令的内阁最高官员。在议会制中,例如英国的西敏寺制度,首相是政府的首脑,而国家元首(国王或总统)只有仪式上的职能。在一些君主立宪的国家中,首相可实行宪法上授予君主的权力,而无需经国会批准。首相除了是政府首脑,首相也有其他职能,例如,英国的首相兼任「第一财政大臣」(en:First Lord of the Treasury),而在二战时,英国首相邱吉尔兼任国防大臣。
首相FromUntil政党威廉・舍默尔霍恩Willem Schermerhorn June 24, 1945 July 3, 1946 PvdA 路易・贝尔Louis Beel July 3, 1946 August 7, 1948 KVP 威廉・德里斯Willem Drees August 7, 1948 December 22, 1958 PvdA 路易・贝尔Louis Beel December 22, 1958 May 19, 1959 KVP 德夸伊Jan de Quay May 19, 1959 July 24, 1963 KVP 维克托・马里南Victor Marijnen July 24, 1963 April 14, 1965 KVP 约瑟夫・卡尔斯Jo Cals April 14, 1965 November 22, 1966 KVP 耶勒・泽尔斯特拉Jelle Zijlstra November 22, 1966 April 5, 1967 ARP 佩特・德容Piet de Jong April 5, 1967 July 6, 1971 KVP 巴伦德・比舒维尔Barend Biesheuvel July 6, 1971 May 11, 1973 ARP 约普・登厄伊尔Joop den Uyl May 11, 1973 December 19, 1977 PvdA 安德烈亚斯・范阿赫特Andreas Dries van Agt December 19, 1977 November 4, 1982 CDA 吕德・吕贝尔斯Ruud Lubbers November 4, 1982 August 22, 1994 CDA 维姆・科克Wim Kok August 22, 1994 July 22, PvdA 扬・彼得・巴尔克嫩德Jan Peter Balkenende July 22, 2002 CDA篇3:一丝不挂的首相
As the sun sets around the world this Friday, millions of Jewish families will come together for Passover.
This festival marks the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. It celebrates theimmeasurable value of a life lived freely and without fear.
In light of the recent horrific events in France and Denmark, this act of annual remembranceis especially important.
It reminds us that the fight for freedom, peace and a better world never ends and that we all –Jewish or not – have a role to play in ensuring everyone, whatever their background orcircumstances, gets the safe and successful future they deserve.
I, and my party, will continue to do everything we can to make that happen.
Passover is also a chance for us to acknowledge the incredible contribution Britain’s Jewishcommunities make to help our country thrive, and to say thank you.
So, thank you and I want to wish everyone celebrating this festival in Britain and across theworld all the very best for a happy and enjoyable Passover.
As one of the most significant Christian festivals, Easter is a time of reflection and renewal. What it celebrates is the moving and powerful story of Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection.
As the poet Spenser wrote, “Love is the lesson which the Lord us taught.”
And the values that Jesus lived his life by – compassion, humility and forgiveness – resonatewith people of all faiths and none.
It’s why so many people, both Christian and not, use the weeks before Easter – the forty daysof Lent – to take stock of what is truly important to them and their families. Whether that isthrough giving their time to volunteer or going without something in their own lives to helpthose most in need. It all makes a difference.
Easter is also a time that many people spend with their families, relaxing and enjoying thebreak in their different ways.
So, whatever you’re up to this weekend, I hope you have a very Happy Easter.
Throughout my life, I’ve been inspired by the courage, success and determination of somany women - friends, family and colleagues.
International Women’s Day is a chance for all of us to shout loudly and together in supportof greater equality, wherever it’s needed. And, since , the Coalition has been focused onmaking Britain a fairer society: where everyone – no matter what their gender, background orcircumstances, can succeed.
This includes introducing shared parental leave. So, from April next year, mothers who wantto return to work early after having a baby can and their partners will be able to use theirremaining leave and pay. We’re improving access to affordable, high-quality childcare to helpthose families most feeling the squeeze.
And we’re also changing the pension system so that it is fairer for women, and haveintroduced a tax cut that’s helping put money back in the pockets of millions of women. Inaddition, we’re working to get more women into the boardroom, and encouraging all thosefemale entrepreneurs with a good idea to start their own companies.
More widely, we are working across the world to ensure more women and girls have greaterchoice and control over their own lives. We’re helping to get more young girls into school,fighting to banish horrific practices such as female genital mutilation and working to improvewomen’s access to justice.
I’m determined to keep going further - both in my own party and in government.
That’s my commitment for this International Women’s Day and beyond. Together, we canmake a difference – locally, nationally and globally – ensuring everyone has an equal shot at thehappy, healthy and successful life that they want.
作为子女,我很理解各位家长的心情,也知道每位家长最想知道,最想了解什么。今天我在这里向各位家长汇报一下你们子女在学院的学习与生活。 或许各位家长已经知道我院是军事化管理,周一到周五都有严格的作息时间表。所以我们敢向各位家长保证你们的子女在该院学习,没有旷过一节课,没有逃过一次学,没有把你们的血汗钱浪费在无聊的网络游戏和谈情说爱当中。我们真正的做到了学习一天收获一天,正如院长对我们说的,一天进步一小点,一月进步一大点,一年上一个新台阶。
Today, I’m wearing my red ribbon with pride for World AIDS Day. In the last thirty years, since the first cases of HIV were discovered, we’ve travelled a huge distance in terms of research and treatment. Not least because advances in medication now mean that, if diagnosed and treated early enough, people living with HIV can live just as long as people without it.
In the UK we’re committed to tackling the global impacts of this disease – the ambition hasto be a future with zero new infections and AIDs-related deaths. That’s why last year weinvested £1 billion in the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. This money is helpinghundreds of thousands of people around the world get lifesaving treatment.
But, of course, there is still a long way to go. And while the science has moved on, too manypeople’s attitudes have not. One in three people living with HIV say that they haveexperienced discrimination, because of their condition. That’s simply unacceptable. So, thisWorld Aids Day, please visit HIVaware.org.uk to get the facts about HIV and tell the people youknow.
It’s critical that people have the right information, and that the next generation – throughgood sex education – understand the facts. Together, by wearing your red ribbon and tweetingyour support using the hashtag Put A Ribbon On It, we can help break down the stigma thatstill surrounds this condition and show that there’s just no place for this kind of discriminationin modern Britain. So please get involved.
Today, let’s all do our bit.
从1951年开始,圣费尔明节仅仅持续两天,活动包括演讲、音乐会、竞赛和斗牛。后来又加入了焰火和舞蹈表演。17和18世纪中又增加了奔牛活动和杂耍表演,外地游客也开 奔牛活动
1923年,美国著名作家海明威首次来到潘普洛纳观看奔牛并写成了著名小说《太阳照常升起》(The Sun Also Rises,1926年发表),他在作品中详细描述了奔牛节,将刺激的奔牛活动描绘得极为传神,奔牛节因而声名远播,开始由一个地区性节日变为一个世界性节日。全世界的游客都被吸引到潘普洛纳参与庆祝。它的正式名称叫“圣费尔明节”(Los Sanfermines),圣费尔明(San Fermín)是西班牙东北部富裕的纳瓦拉省(Navarra)省会潘普洛纳城(Pamplona)的保护神。
Good morning everyone,
the country has just taken part in a giant democratic exercise,
perhaps the biggest in our history.
来自英格兰 苏格兰 威尔士 北爱尔兰
Over 33 million people from England,
和直布罗陀 超过3300万的人民 行使了发言权
Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar have all had their say.
应该是感到自豪的是 我们信任
We should be proud of the fact that in these islands
这些岛屿上人民 做出重大决策
we trust the people for these big decisions.
We not only have a parliamentary democracy,
而且 有关英国如何治理的问题
but on questions about the arrangements for how we've governed
有的时候 就需要问问人民自己
there are times when it is right to ask the people themselves
and that is what we have done.
The British people have voted to leave the European Union
他们的意愿 必须得到尊重
and their will must be respected.
I want to thank everyone who took part in the campaign on my side of the argument,
including all those who put aside party differences
他们支持自己坚信的 对有利于国家的观点
to speak in what they believe was the national interest
同时 让我向所有脱欧派人士的
and let me congratulate all those who took part in the Leave campaign
for the spirited and passionate case that they made.
英国人民的意志 必须服从
The will of the British people is an instruction that must be delivered.
It was not a decision that was taken lightly,
not least because so many things were said
对其重要性 曾做出的那些解释
by so many different organisations about the significance of this decision.
所以 不能对结果 有任何的怀疑
So there can be no doubt about the result.
全球各地的人们 都看到了英国做出的选择
Across the world people have been watching the choice that Britain has made.
I would reassure those markets and investors
that Britain's economy is fundamentally strong
and I would also reassure Britons living in European countries
and European citizens living here
我向你们保证 你们的状况不会立即发生改变
that there will be no immediate changes in your circumstances.
在出行方面 暂时不会发生变化
There will be no initial change in the way our people can travel,
货物依然可以流通 服务依旧能够交易
in the way our goods can move or the way our services can be sold.
现在 我们必须做好与欧盟谈判的准备
We must now prepare for a negotiation with the European Union.
This will need to involve the full engagement of
the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland governments
确保 捍卫 并增进
to ensure that the interests of all parts of our United Kingdom
are protected and advanced.
但是 我认为 一段稳定的时期
but I do believe it's in the national interest to have a period of stability
和新的领导人 才符合国家利益
and then the new leadership required.
今天 没有必要说明确切的时间表
There is no need for a precise timetable today
但在我看来 目标应是 在十月的保守党会议上
but in my view we should aim to have a new prime minister in place
by the start of the Conservative Party conference in October.
保证稳定 将是重要的
Delivering stability will be important
未来三个月 我将继续出任首相
and I will continue in post as Prime Minister
with my Cabinet for the next three months.
The Cabinet will meet on Monday,
英格兰银行行长 正在准备做出一个声明
the Governor of the Bank of England is making a statement about the steps
建议英国央行和财政部 采取安抚金融市场的行动
that the Bank and the Treasury are taking to reassure financial markets.
We will also continue taking forward the important legislation
这些议程 是在女王的议会讲话上设置的
that we set before Parliament in the Queen's Speech.
And I have spoken to Her Majesty the Queen this morning
向女王陛下说明 我将采取的步骤
to advise her of the steps that I am taking.
A negotiation with the European Union
will need to begin under a new prime minister
我认为 应该由一位新首相来决定
and I think it's right that this new prime minister takes the decision
about when to trigger Article 50
and start the formal and legal process of leaving the EU.
下周 我将参加欧洲理事会的会议
I will attend the European Council next week
解释英国人已经作出的决定 和我自己的决定
to explain the decision the British people have taken and my own decision.
The British people have made a choice,
that not only needs to be respected
而且 那些争论中输掉的一方
but those on the losing side of the argument
包括我自己 也应该帮助脱欧成功
- myself included - should help to make it work.
英国是一个特殊的国家 我们这么多优点
Britain is a special country - we have so many great advantages
采用议会民主制 通过和平的辩论
– a parliamentary democracy where we resolve great issues
about our future through peaceful debate,
英国是一个贸易大国 有着科学和艺术
a great trading nation with our science and arts,
有技术 和也有创造力 享誉世界各地
our engineering and our creativity, respected the world over.
虽然英国并不完美 但我相信英国能成为
And while we are not perfect I do believe we can be a model
for the multi-racial, multi-faith democracy,
人们可以来 做出贡献
where people can come and make a contribution
and rise to the very highest that their talent allows.
虽然 离开欧洲不是我推荐的道路
Although leaving Europe was not the path I recommended,
我是第一个来赞美 英国难以置信的优势
I am the first to praise our incredible strengths.
我以前说过 英国可以在欧盟以外生存下来
I said before that Britain can survive outside the European Union
而事实上 我们能找到生存的方法
and indeed that we could find a way.
Now the decision has been made to leave,
we need to find the best way
我会尽我所能 来提供帮助
and I will do everything I can to help.
我热爱这个国家 为国家服务 我感到荣幸
I love this country and I feel honoured to have served it
我会尽我所能 在未来帮助这个伟大的国家取得成功
and I will do everything I can in future to help this great country succeed.
Thank you very much.
作 者:孙建红 袁冲 作者单位:中国现代国际关系研究院 刊 名:国际资料信息 英文刊名:INTERNATIONAL DATA INFORMATION 年,卷(期): “”(10) 分类号: 关键词:篇16:布莱尔三次蝉联首相职务的获胜英语演讲稿
Tony Blairs speech on returning to Downing Street
Ive just come from Buckingham Palace where the Queen has asked me to form a new government which I will do.
Its a tremendous honour and privilege to be elected for a third term and Im acutely conscious of that honour and that privilege.
When I stood here first eight years ago I was a lot younger but also a lot less experienced.
Today as well as having in our minds the priorities that people want, we, I, the government, has the knowledge, as well as the determination and commitment, to deliver them.
The great thing about the election is that you go out and talk to people for week upon week.
And Ive listened and Ive learned, and I think Ive a very clear idea what the people now expect from the government in a third term.
And I want to say to them very directly that I, we, the government, are going to focus relentlessly now on the priorities that people have set for us.
What are those priorities? First they like the strong economy, but life is still a real struggle for many people and many families in this country and they know there are new issues: help for first time buyers to get their feet on the first rungs of the housing ladder; families trying to cope with balancing work and family life; many people struggling to make ends meet; many families on low incomes who desperately need help and support to increase their living standards; businesses who whilst they like the economic stability, want us also to focus on stimulating enterprise on investing in science and skills and technology for the future.
Its very clear what people want us to do and we will do it.
Second in relation to the public services, health and education, again people like the investment that has gone into public services, they welcome it. I have found absolutely no support for any suggestion we cut back that investment.
The people want that money to work better for them, they want higher standards, both of care and of education for the investment we are putting in.
And so we will focus on delivering not just the investment but the reform and change of those public services and I will do so with passion, because I want to keep universal public services that know that the only way of keeping the consent for them is by making the changes necessary for the twenty-first century.
此致永修县新城小学 六(3)班 熊振邦二〇〇五年十二月十七日
Throughout my life, I’ve been inspired by the courage, success and determination of so many women - friends, family and colleagues.
International Women’s Day is a chance for all of us to shout loudly and together in support of greater equality, wherever it’s needed. And, since 2014, the Coalition has been focused on making Britain a fairer society: where everyone – no matter what their gender, background or circumstances, can succeed.
This includes introducing shared parental leave. So, from April next year, mothers who want to return to work early after having a baby can and their partners will be able to use their remaining leave and pay. We’re improving access to affordable, high-quality childcare to help those families most feeling the squeeze.
And we’re also changing the pension system so that it is fairer for women, and have introduced a tax cut that’s helping put money back in the pockets of millions of women. In addition, we’re working to get more women into the boardroom, and encouraging all those female entrepreneurs with a good idea to start their own companies.
More widely, we are working across the world to ensure more women and girls have greater choice and control over their own lives. We’re helping to get more young girls into school, fighting to banish horrific practices such as female genital mutilation and working to improve women’s access to justice.
I’m determined to keep going further - both in my own party and in government.
That’s my commitment for this International Women’s Day and beyond. Together, we can make a difference – locally, nationally and globally – ensuring everyone has an equal shot at the happy, healthy and successful life that they want.





