作 者:刘英环 作者单位:河北涿鹿县职业技术育教中心 刊 名:中国校外教育(理论) 英文刊名:CHINA AFTER SCHOOL EDUCATION 年,卷(期): “”(z1) 分类号:H3 关键词:英语阅读教学 教学设计 阅读能力篇2:高中英语指导自主学习阅读课 教学设计(人教版英语高一)
本单元的话题为皮格马利翁,其中涉及皮格马利翁效应和西方文学作品欣赏以及剧本的学习与写作,这一话题与学生的学习和生活有着密切的关联,但同时,学生普遍对这一话题感到陌生。本节课是高二英语下学期英语选修八的Unit4 Pygmalion第二课时,是一节阅读课,所需课时为一课时。旨在通过自主学习、合作探究的高效学习,帮助学生了解西方文学作品和作家萧伯纳,与此同时,同学们学会理论联系实际,理解“皮格马利翁效应”在学习和生活中的重要意义,并利用该效应指导自已挑战困难,不断进步。更重要的是,学生们通过学习,基本掌握阅读的技巧并尝试运用适当的阅读策略提高阅读的能力。
本节课教材使用的是人民教育出版社2月第2版 11月第4次印刷的普通高中课程标准实验教科书(英语选修8)第四单元。本节选材电影《窈窕淑女》剧本,是与西腊故事Pygmalion同主题的西方文学作品。题材是皮格马利翁文学作品,体裁是剧本,主题是皮格马利翁效应。Pre-reading部分通过问题设计启发学生思考,调动学生的积极性,引导学生充分发挥想象力和创造力,通过对电影《窈窕淑女》的讨论进而理解心理学上的“皮格马利翁应”,并提炼萧伯纳戏剧与希腊神话故事所反映的共同主题,初步酝酿可能出现的故事情节,为下面的阅读做好必要的准备; Reading部分是电影《窈窕淑女》第一幕“决定性的会面”的剧本,改编自经典的西腊故事《皮格马利翁》,讲述了发生在伦敦剧院外的一幕。主要人物有Eliza, Higgins, Pickering。主要讲在一次偶然的情况下自傲的Professor Higgins与Colonel Pickering打赌,说他能将口音其糟无比,讲话粗鲁的Eliza改造成能讲标准英文的淑女,从而引发了一连串戏剧性的故事。从人物的对话中我们也可以清楚地看到不同人物的性格特征,比如Eliza的粗鲁,Higgins的缺乏耐心,Pickering的礼貌等都反映得淋漓尽致,由此烘托出本节主题:人的语言和行为都受他(她)所处的社会地位和社会环境的影响,但是后天的努力可以改变现状。 Comprehending部分设计了五个练习,练习一通过让学生回答相关问题,详细了解剧本的内容及各个人物的性格;练习二要求学生从课文中找出这三个不同社会阶层的人物对不同于自己阶层的人们所持的态度,进而了解主题;练习三要求学生思考除了语言以外,哪些方面还能显示出人们社会地位的不同,以此引发讨论,激发情感;练习四要求学生运用所给词汇描述剧本中不同人物的性格特点,由输入导向输出,能力提升;练习五要求学生纠正Eliza语言中的语法、拼写等方面的错误,实现由词到短语中、由短语到句子、再由句子到语篇的过渡。通过练习,旨在让学生进一步了解剧本的内容和意义,明白这样一个道理:只要有决心、有勇气,抓住机会不断地学习,不断地进步,终会改变现状,取得成功。
本节课尝试将Pre-reading, Reading& Comprehending(P28 Pre-reading至P31页)三个部分整合成一节指导学生高中英语自主学习的“阅读课”。这三个部分关系密切,层层推进故事的发展,以Pre-reading为导入,以Reading为载体,以Comprehending为目标。既有读前的讨论探究活动,又有读时的自主学习活动,还有读后的延伸拓展活动。既有教师的阅读策略指导,又有学生的合作探究、自主学习活动。有利于学生在形式多样的活动中主动参与整个教学过程,从而使他们乐学、和谐、主动地发展,真正实现自主学习的高效课堂。
本节课适用于高二年级下学期的学生的阅读课的学习。对于高二的英语学习者来说,他们已经具备了一定的自主学习的能力,尤其是在老师导学案的帮助下,基本上大多数的学生都能够自主地预习,体验感知新课的内容并适当地提出问题上,甚至有的同学能够通过查阅资料、上网搜索等方式自行分析并解决部分的问题。就整体而言,在经过了第一节课Warming up的学习之后,同学们基本掌握了本节课所需的重要的词汇,对于话题也有了初步的了解,并且能为上阅读课作基本词汇的准备。同时,同学们通过观看影片和对影片的讨论,大致了解影片的意义。尤其是在小组讨论和质疑互助之下,也基本能够了解故事的主题。但是,由于本节课的内容为西方文学作品赏析,多数同学觉得有一定的困难。一是通过平时的话题阅读训练,我们不难发现,学生们普遍对文学方面的较为生疏,特别是部分来自农村的学生,他们的阅读面相对较为狭窄,文学方面的涉猎较为局限,更别说是西方文学了;二是通过剧本分析人物性格要求学生有较强的语言运用的能力,尤其是在剧本中多处存在不规范的英语表达更是增加了学生理解的难度,对于基础较薄弱的学生来说,就连读懂剧本的内容都有一定的困难;三是在阅读之后,同学们的认知停留在于影片的表面上,无法提练出“皮格马利翁效应”对于学习的指导意义。所以情感的升华成为本节课的又一个难点。
一)三维目标The three-dimensional target
1、知识目标Language target
Learn to read and use some of the key words, expressions and sentence patterns.
1)重点词汇和短语Key words and expressions
hesitate, uncomfortable, troublesome, outcome, disguise, classify, betray, dismiss, condemn, acquaintance, handful, fortune, in disguise, pass...off as, make one’s acquaintance, generally speaking, in terms of , etc.
2)重点句子Sentence patterns
A. An expert in phonetics, convinced that the quality of a person’s English decides his / her position in society.
B. This is the age of the newly rich. People begin their working life in a poor neighborhood of London with 80 pounds a year and end in a rich one with 100 thousand. But they betray themselves every time they open their mouths.
C. The English that will condemn her to the gutter to the end of her days. Perhaps I could even find her a place as a lady’s maid or a shop assistant, which requires better English.
3)语篇学习Context learning
A. Students learn to master the key points according to the context.
B. Students get a clear understanding of the act by using what they’ve learnt.
C. Students get to know how to use some essential transitional words based on the reading passage.
2. 能力目标Ability target
1) Students learn to talk about the play and use the play to work out the characteristics of each social group.
2) Students get the main idea and some detail information by scanning and skimming.
3) Students manage to improve their skills of reading, speaking and writing.
3.情感目标Emotion target
1) Students try to learn more about western works and its author.
2) Students try to learn about the Pygmalion effect.
3) Students try to build up the confidence to adapt to or even change their life and study.
二)教学重点Important points
1. How to talk about the play.
2. How to analyse the characters.
3. How to improve the reading ability.
三)教学难点Difficult points
How to use the play to work out the characteristics of each social group.
四)具体要求Learning demands
1. Students should teach themselves and discover some useful words and expressions
2. Students try to involve themselves actively in the class
3. Students try to master and learn to use what they learn
4. Students follow the learning tips to raise questions
5. Students develop the cooperative learning skill
一)教师教的资源:新课标教材,配套的教学用书,世纪金榜教辅,E-Class 教学平台,校园OA办公平台,网络资源,多媒体教学工具(multi-media, a projector, internet, PowerPoint, USB, blackboard, computer),其它的学科资源(如,心理学上的皮格马利翁效应:教师的期望与学生的智力发展)等。
二)学生学的资源和工具:导学案,练习案,世金榜教辅,PowerPoint教学课件,E-Class 教学平台,校园网教学资源(如,教师博客等),其它学科的相关材料(如西方文学作品及作者的简介材料,相关心理学知识阅读材料)等。
篇3:人教版高一阅读课教学案例--life in the future
本节课是针对Unit 16的内容而为了扩充学生的知识而另自己加设的阅读课,中心话题是未来的生活,具体内容涉及未来的交通,商业,医药与健康,知识与教育等,激发学生的思维,引起学生对未来人类生活的幻想和想象。
二The record of the class
Teaching aims:
1. Have a good understanding of the text and learn some useful words and expressions.
2. Improve the Ss’ reading ability.
3. Know more about the future and enrich the Ss’ imagination.
Key points: Have a good understanding of the text through the exercises.
Difficulties: To talk about the questions in Post-reading
Teaching aids: computer, tape-recorder, handout
Teaching procedure:
Step 1lead in
T: What’s the date today?
S:Today is the 15th of November, .
T: Iftoday were a day of 3000 years, Can you imagine what your life will be like in the future? Use your heads and good imagination to describe your future life. You can refer to the questions if you like. Let’s have a discussion. (show the questions on the screen)
Where will you live in the future?
How will you travel in the future?
Where will you work and study in the future? What kind of money will you use?
Will you still get sick?
(Two minutes later), ask one or two of the students to something about the future life.
S1: In the future people will communicate more easily and conveniently. They can talk on the phone and send e-mails on the Internet, like shopping, reading, borrowing books, depositing money, ordering meals or tickets.
S2: Human beings will look healthier in the future. in spite of this they still get sick. However, scientists will have a better understanding of how cancer develops.
S3: in the future people will travel to different places. Not only do they enjoy local travel but also they travel abroad. Some even can afford to travel in space.
T: From your description, I can see you have a good imagination, maybe you can be an excellent director of scientific fiction film. Today, we will learn unit 6. life in the future. (write the title on the blackboard)
Step 2Pre-reading
T: First, let’s scan our text very quickly and find out in which paragraph you can find the answers to these questions of task 1.
How will people shop in the future?Para__3_____
How will people travel in the future?Para__2_____
What will schools be like in the future?Para___5____
What development is expected in health.Para___4____
What will the future be like in the future?Para__1 and 6_____
three minutes later, ask some of them to speak out their answers.
T:Now, let’s check our answer together.
S: we can find the answer to question 1 in paragraph 3.
S: we can find the answer to question 2 in paragraph 2.
S: we can find the answer to question 3 in paragraph 5.
S: we can find the answer to question 4 in paragraph 4.
S: we can find the answer to question 5 in paragraph 1.
T: Usually, we can get a general idea about the text in the first paragraph.What can you know from the last paragraph? The writer usually drew a conclusion about the text. So you can find your answer to question 5 in both paragraph one and six.
T:Do you need to read the text sentence by sentence?
S: NO, we just need to read the subtitle.
Step 3. While reading
T: You did a good job. Now let’s read our text carefully this time and judge the statements of task 2 true or false. If the statement is false, tell me the reason why the statement is false. Read the statements carefully first. ( hold on the paper and show it to the students)
T:(Two minutes) Do you have any difficulty in understanding the sentences?
T:If not, please read the text carefully and silently by yourselves.
1.Second reading for details
1) Ask the Ss to read the text again. Then judge the statements true or false.
It is not easy to predict the life in the future.
Although a new maglev train travels, it may do harm to the environment.
It is the internet that makes it easier for companies to keep in touch with customers.
New discoveries in genetics and biochemistry may change the way people make medicines and cure diseases.
In the future students will have no homework any longer.
The high-pace life style and highly-developed society requires people in the future to become lifelong learners.
(设计意图: 让学生在阅读的过程中,善于捕捉信息,并对信息进行处理,做出自己的判断。训练学生的处理信息的能力。)
(Five minutes later)
T: Let’s check the answers with the whole class Key: TFTTFT
S1: The first sentence is true.
S2: The second sentence is false because the new maglev train is environmentally friendly, so it won’t do harm to the environment.
S3: The third sentence is true.
S4: The fourth sentence is true.
S5: The fifth sentence is false, because homework will be always be homework. Even in the future, students will still have homework, but it may be a bit different.
S6: The last sentence is true.
T: Ok, How many fields does the writer talk about?
S: four fields ( together).
T: What are they?
S: Transportation, Business, Health and medicine, Education and knowledge.
T: Good, let’s go through our text again and fill in the chart using the information you get from the text. Try to use the key words and phrases. I will give you an example, What field does the writer talk about first? What will the transportation be like in the future? Why will it be like that? (Give them an example). Are you clear, Ok, let’s have a competition, the right three lines fill in the first two columns and the left three lines fill in the rest two columns, let’s see who can be the first to finish the task.
2. Third reading to finish the form.
Ask the Ss to work in pairs, go through the text again and then fill in the form below using key words and key points.
Life in the future Fields What will they become ? the reasons
Transportation cleaner
safer 1 use new technology /develop new fuels and engines
2. travels at 430km/h
3 controlled by advanced computer system
Business on the internet
smart cards
Health and medicine longer
3. remain active even in old age 1. deal with new disease well
2 make new discoveries in genetics and biochemistry
Education and knowledge 1. study at home
2.more schools on the air /e-schools
lifelong learners
(设计意图: 培养学生的归纳能力,能运用关键词来总结主要内容。要让学生了解科学技术进步在未来生活中的巨大推动作用,让他们意识到只有用自己的智慧和勤劳的双手才能改造社会,为人类造福。并为读后的输出做铺垫。)
Ten minutes later, check the answer together.
T:After finishing our task, can you tell me what kind of life we will have in the future?
S:comfortable, convenient , longer, healthier, active .
T:Is that our whole life?
S;NO, That is just a part of our life, then in what other fields we can go on talking about? Let’s have brainstorm.
(The students will think up some other fields)
S: food, factory, energy, farm, language, house…
T:(write them on the blackboard). Now let’s talk about our future life in other fields. Try to use the phrases or the sentences you learned in this unit.
Step 4post reading(Group discussion)
Fields What will the become in the future
Five minutes later, ask three or four of them to report.
S:In the future people will live in different places. As the population is exploding, more people will prefer to live in faraway places, under the sea or even on the moon.
S2. In the future people will speak much fewer languages. Both English and Chinese lave become world languages.
S3: In the future, people can eat anything, people won’t need to worry about the food problem in the world.
S4.: In the future people can find many ways to deal with pollution, we can live a better environment.
T: Good, you know, Everything has advantages and disadvantages, What should we do to make sure we will have a bright future?
S: We should study hard and be a lifelong learners.
T: Good. we should be lifelong learners and accept the change ,appreciate what is new and different, making great efforts to make our dreams come true.
三. 评价:
本节课以一系列问题组成的任务环,以学生的大胆预测来呈现主题life in the future,学生活动积极,能够充分展开幻想和想象,对未来生活进行描述在阅读的过程中通过找问题的答案来传授阅读技巧,形成有效的英语学习策略,教学设计合理。
作 者:张凤娜 作者单位:秦皇岛外国语职业学院,河北秦皇岛,066311 刊 名:科技风 英文刊名:TECHNOLOGY WIND 年,卷(期): “”(3) 分类号:H3 关键词:英语阅读 阅读训练 方法篇5:英语阅读课教学浅议
作 者:赵永祥 作者单位: 刊 名:青海教育 英文刊名:QINGHAI EDUCATION 年,卷(期): “”(9) 分类号:H3 关键词:篇6:英语阅读课教学探讨
2. 摒弃以往的着重于词句和语法的单调授课模式,尝试采用综合性的授课方法,即把词句讲解以及通篇阅读理解相结合的方法,旨在全面提高学生的英语综合水平。优化设计课堂教学环节,主要采用以学生自主学习为主、教师为辅的教学方法。教师在辅助教学的过程中可以运用听说法、交际法、情景教学法、任务型教学法等多种教学法相结合的教学模式,这样既能丰富课堂活动,又能激发学生学习的积极性和主动性。
1.钟丽佳。 独立学院英语专业阅读课程建设的思考与建议―――阅读课程调查问卷引发的思考. 滁州学院学报,20xx,(6 ):103-106.
2.文晶。英语专业阅读课的课程设计.南京财经大学学报,20xx,(3 ):95-99.
3.周黎平。关于英语专业阅读课程的教学与改革探讨.甘肃高师学报,20xx,(1 ):88-89.
篇7:人教版高一英语unit10 Are We Endangered?阅读课教案
Are We Endangered?
I. Teaching aims:
1. the words and expressions: environmental expert, act, species, take measures, resources, adapt to, etc.
2. To get the main idea of the passage and get to know the purpose of the author
II. difficult and important points
1. Collect information as much as possible according to the questions in pre-reading.
2. Learn how to use these new words and expressions as well as difficult sentences.
III. Teaching procedures:
lead –in (2)
T: Good afternoon, boys and girls,
S: Good afternoon , teacher.
T: Sit down please
Last period, we have talked about some endangered animals. As is known to all, there are not only some endangered animals but also some endangered plants . Altogether there are about 5000 different kinds of animals and some 10,000 kinds of plants being endangered. We know animals and plants are the friends of our human beings. We depend on each other to survive in the world.
Now, think over a question:
What will happen to our human being if this is still going on?
Are we also endangered?
Today, we’ll read an article to see if we are really endangered.
First let’s look at the teaching aims of this period:
Show teaching aims:
1.Guess the meaning of the words and phrases:
species take measures habitat original adapt to
2.Understand the passage and get the general idea of it
3.. Make a list of the things to protect the environment in the daily life
T: open your books at P66. Task 1 ( 5) Skimming (大意)
(read for general idea)
Read the passage quickly. Get a general idea and then answer my questions:
1) Who is Steve Jones ? (an environmental expert who tries to keep animals and plants from becoming endangered)
2) What is the article probably about?(It’s about why a species becomes endangered and what we can do to protect plants & animals from becoming endangered.)
T: Good, you did a very good job. The text mainly talks about the reason
for endangered species and the measures we should take to protect them.(写板书
Task 2 Scanning (查读) (5)
T: What is the reasons? Next,Read the second paragraph ,try to find the reason and then fill in the form.
Main reasons for endangered species 1
(show the students some pictures)
T: 1)2) : There are what animals and plants crying to us
4)The number of the northeast tigers is smaller and smaller
5) What a beautiful she is! But many of them are killed .
All these remind us to do something to protect endangered plants and animals.
Task 3 (5)
T: What should we do then? .The expert gives us some advice in the text. Read the last par. And try to find out:
What are the things that you can do to help the animals and plants according to the expert? (板书)
1. Learn more about animals, plants and environment
2. Create more space for animals and plants
3. Stop polluting the environment
Task 4 (5)
T: Right, if we find out more about what we should do , we can help Steve keep animals and plants from being endangered. Look! The whales are smiling. Ok, now, have you understand the passage? Let’s sum up the main idea of each pars
Par 1: Reasons to protect the environment
Par 2: reasons for species becoming endangered
Par 3: Measures to be taken
Task 5 listening (6)
T: ok, good, nest let’s listen to the tape , while listening ,read after the tape. Understand the text again. Then we’ll do more exercises.
Task 6:True or false (3)
Read it again and say “True” or “False” to the following statements according to the passage.
1). That “We are not alone in the world.” means that humans always have friends to talk with. (F)
2). We often take good care of ourselves and planet according to what Steve Jones said.(F)
3). According to Steve Jones we often talk about how important it is to take care of our planet . (T)
4) If we introduce a new species to a place ,all of the species there will become endangered. (F)
5) There are few things we can do to help . (F)
6) Steve Jones is confident for the future of human beings (T)
Discussion (10)
Now think over the question again: “are we endangered?” Is the author quite sue about it?
If we have realize the situations of the endangered species and try our best to protect, we will not be endangered; if not, we will. Do you think so ?
So everybody should try to protect our environment so that we can live a better life and have a bright future. There are many things we can do to make our world better. Even small things can make a big difference. For example, we can pick up rubbish from the ground, we ‘ll not use plastic bags ,recycle batteries and tell our friends to protect the environment. Next please discuss : what you will do to protect environment every day ,. Make a list of it .
Today we have read a passage about plants, animals and human beings. We know it’s very important for us to keep animals and plants from being endangered. We should do all we can to protect our environment. We have made a list of things that we can do in our daily life . I hope you can remember to do them from now on. Let’s remember:
Protecting the animals and plants is protecting ourselves!
1. make a poster
2.Write a short article about how to protect the environment
篇8:festival 教案教学设计(人教版英语高一)
Teaching aims:
1、 Learn and master some important sentences.
2、 Train the students’reading ability.
3、 Let the students learn about the relation between festivals and culture with the attempt of strenghtening the student’s cross-culture awareness.
Teaching important points:
1、 Improving students’reading ability.
2、 Help the students learn more about foreign history and culture.
Teaching methods:
1、 Reading to understand the passage correctly.
2、 Group work to make the students take an active part in the activities in class.
Teaching aids:
Cards; paper
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Lead-in
T:Everybody please speak out as many festivals as you can at home or abroad
S:Christmas;Spring Festival;April fool…
T:The Christmas is on the way,can you sing the Merry Christmas together
Step 2:Reading
T:Today we are going to learn a kind of festival that some of you may have not heard of.It called “Kwanzaa”,it is celebrated by Afican-American,it is a young festival and does not have a long history.Do you want to kown more about Kwanzaa?
Please open your book to the page 15,read the passage in 2 minute and then answer the question on the blackboard.
(read and then answer the question and explain some important sentences and new words)
Step 3:Discussion
Now you must have a better understanding of Kwanzaa,I would like to divide you into two groups to discuss the differences and similarities between kwanzaa and spring festival.
Step 4:Summary
Today we have learnt about a new kind of festival,do you want to celebrate the festival with them someday? Since the globalization is unavoidable,wo should respect other’culture and keep our own culture identity.
Today,we have learn a new kind of festival,after class,read the text more times and try to retell the story.Wtite down the differences and similarities between Sping Festival and Kwanzaa,and turn in tomorrow.
篇9:第五单元整体规划及阅读课详案 (人教版高一英语上册教案教学设计)
Students’ Book 1A
Unit 5 The Silver Screen
江苏省金湖中学 涂颖
Teaching Aims and Demands:
类别 新课程标准要求掌握的项目
Topics 1. Talk about films:famous actors and directors
2. Make comments and give opinions on films
Function 1. Giving opinions & Making comments
I think the film has a good beginning/ending.
I think that DVDs shouldn’t be sold at such a high price/should be much cheaper.
The actors/actress are… How do you like…?
What do you think of/about…? We think highly of…
What do you feel about…?
2. Sequence
You studied/worked/acted at different… Later on…
First …, and then … What made you decide to…?
What did you do next? What roles did you act?
Finally you found a job as … How long have you been working as…?
Vocabulary silver hero scene law career drama role actress award prize choice degree director speed script actor academy studio creature outer adult follow-up cruelty peace industry owe happiness accept icy primary leader determine live(adj.) boss comment action
silver screen take off go wrong owe sth. to sb in all
stay away primary school lock sb up run after bring sb back
on the air think highly of sb
Grammar The Attributive Clause
Introduced by relative pronouns who, whom, whose, that, which or adverbs when, where, why
Period Arrangements:
The first period: warming-up, listening and speaking
The second period: pre-reading reading post-reading
The third period: language study and grammar (The Attributive Clause)
The fourth period: integrating skills
The fifth period: reading in the workbook
The sixth period exercises in the workbook
The second period
Teaching Aims:
1. Improve students’ ability of reading comprehension through reading activities.
2. Enable students to master the new words and expressions, as well as the language points.
3. Get students to understand the meaning of being successful.
Teaching Important Points:
1. How to make the students understand the reading text better.
2. Learn and master the following phrases:
work on, take off, cut…in pieces, hit, go wrong, win over, in the end, owe…to…
Teaching Difficult Points:
1. The differences between the following pairs of words or phrases:
be afraid of doing sth./ be afraid to do sth, high/highly
2. Learn the following sentence pattern:
…love and friendship are the most important things in life.
Teaching Methods:
1. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.
2. Question-and-answer activity to get the detailed information in the text.
3. Explanation to students to master some language points.
Teaching Aids:
1. a computer
2. a tape recorder
Teaching Procedures:
Step I. Greetings & Revision
1. Greet the whole class as usual.
2. Ask the students to act out the dialogue assigned in the last period.
Step II. Lead-in
Watch a video about one of the famous directors-Steven Spielberg. The last scene is the portrait of Steven Spielberg.
T: This world-famous director will be the topic of today’s class.
T: Now I’ll take you to enter his world
---Getting to Know Steven Spielberg
Step III. Skimming
T: Now look at the reading text on Page 31. Please read the text quickly and try to find the answers to questions.
How many films are mentioned(提到)in the passage? And what are they?
What are Steven Spielberg’s later films about?
Suggested answers:
Five. Jaws (1975), ET (1982), Jurassic Park(1993), Schindler’s List(1993) and Saving Private Ryan.
His later films are about the cruelty(残忍) of war.
Step IV. Listening
T: Listen to the tape and then finish these T or F statements.
Suggested answers:
1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T
Step V. Careful Reading
T: You have done very well. Now it’s time for us to read the text paragraph by paragraph.
Look at the first paragraph and try to fill in the two charts.
Date of birth
Place of birth
age event
Look at the second paragraph and try to answer the following questions:
What was Spielberg’s dream?
Why did Spielberg study English instead of film?
How did his career take off ?
Suggested answers:
His dream was to go to the Film Academy.
Because his grades were too low.
He worked on a short film and became the youngest film director in the world.
Look at the third paragraph:
(Show the picture on the screen)
Look at the fourth paragraph:
Look at the fifth paragraph:
Look at the sixth paragraph:
T: After these highly successful films Spielberg made several follow-ups of Jaws and Jurassic Park.
Ask the students: ① What are his later films?
② What are they about?
T: Now let’s fill in the following chart. It’s about the theme of Spielberg’s films.
Jaws & Jurassic Park Cruelty of nature
ET Love and friendship are the most important things in life.
Schindler’s List & Saving Private Ryan Cruelty of war
Look at the last paragraph:
T: Steven Spielberg is one of the top directors in the film industry.
When asked about the secret of his success, what did he say?
Step VI. Post-reading
1. Look at the definitions and give out the words:
① a highly successful film
② the written form of a film ,play or speech
③ a mark to a student’s piece of work
④ the place a film company use to make films
⑤ a kind of animal living about 200 million
years ago
⑥ a fully-grown person or animal
2. Filling in the blanks with proper words:
Steven Spielberg is one of the top _________in the film industry. He was born in America in _________. When he was 12 years old, he _______his first film and in 1959, he ______ a prize ______a short film. When he was young, he couldn’t go to the Film Academy _______________his low grades. After studying English, he got a job ____a film studio. Here he worked ____ a short film, which won him a job as the youngest director. From then on, his career really__________. He is successful, but he _____ much of his success and happiness ____his family.
Suggested answers:
directors, 1946 , made, won, for ,because of ,at, on, took off, owes ,to
Step VII. Extension
T: Look at the screen. What’s this?
It’s a picture about Oscars.
T: It’s also called Academy Awards. And Oscars are
among the film industry’s most coveted prizes.
T: Now let’s take a look at Steven Spielberg’s honors.
Steven Spielberg’s Honors
Step IX. Further Discussion
Suppose you are the director, how will you arrange the ending of ET?
T: First let’s enjoy the ending of ET. (Watch the video clip from ET)
What do you learn from Steven Spielberg?
Suggested answers:
Choose what you are interested in.
Work hard to realize your dreams.
Perseverance(毅力) and energy are necessary to success in life.
Step X. Study for the Language Points
T: There are some words, phrases that are difficult to understand. Now find them out in the text. (Teacher writes the words and phrases on the Bb: create, work on, take off, cut…into /in pieces, hit, go wrong, win over, in the end, owe…to)
T: There are pairs of words or phrases that are similar to each other. We should tell the differences between them. And there’s also a sentence pattern that we should master. (Bb: be afraid to do sth. / be afraid of (doing) sth., high/highly; …love and friendship are the most important things in life.)
Now I’ll explain them to you. Look at the examples on the screen, please.
Step XI. Summary and Homework
T: In this class, we’ve read a passage about a famous American director Steven Spielberg. Now please divide the whole passage into several parts and summarize the main idea of each part. Pair work.
Para1: Spielberg’s childhood
Para2: Spielberg’s beginning of his career as a film director
Para3-6: his famous films
Para7: his secret of success- his family
T: Today’s homework
1. Read the text and try your best to retell it using your own words.
2. Preview language study.
That’s all for today.
Step XII. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Step XIII. Record after Teaching
1.知识目标:1)学习give, letter, sorry, like, tall, will, young, man, woman, snowman.
give…to…, look like
what does he/she look like?
she is tall like you.
step 1 warm up:
enjoy a song
review the words about colors.
t: we enjoyed a song just now. we have learned some words about color in section a. now please answer my questions.
1) what color is it?
2) how do you spell it?
step 2 presentation
1.lead in 3.talk about the colors of some national flags. finish 3.
t: what color is the national flag?
where is he/she from?
what color is his/her hair?
what color are his/her eyes?
t: do pair works. then ask some pairs to act it out.
2. lead in 2.teach “what does he/she look like?”
(show another two pictures of women)
(teach new words and phrases: look like, tall, man, woman, young.)
t: what does the woman look like?
ss: she is young. she has short blond hair and a small nose.
t: what does the man look like?
ss: he is old. he doesn?t have gray hair. his hair is black.
(show the four pictures in part 2.)
t: turn to page 35, look part 2. match the descriptions with the pictures.
(ss match them)
t: let?s check the answers.
t: do pair works, ask and answer according to the four pictures.
3. pair work: talk about the pictures, finish 2.
step 3 look, listen and say
t: now here is a book. it?s not mine. it?s tom?s.
(teach “give…to…”)
2. t: look at the picture. what?s this?
ss: it?s a
t: it?s maria?s letter. i want to . but i don?t know her. what does she look like?
3. listen and answer the questions.
t: listen to the tape and answer these two questions:
1) what class is maria in?
2) what does maria look like?
(ss listen to the tape and answer the questions)
t: let?s check the answers.
ss: 1) she is in class four grade seven.
2) she is tall like the girl, but she doesn?t have long hair. it?s short and brown.
4. teacher explain the language points.
5. listen to the video and repeat.
6. do pair works. then get some pairs to act it out. finish1a.
step 4 listening
1. guess the answers.
1) does the snowman have black eyes?
2) what color is his nose?
3) does he have short arms?
4) does he have hair?
2. listen again and check the answers.
3. listen and color the picture. finish 4.
step 5 class activity
1.t: what does the snowman look like? he has a long red nose. but he doesn?t have hair. his armsare long. they aren?t short. what about kangkang and michael?
2. group works: find out the rules of the negative forms of ?have/has? and ?be?.
3. play a game:唱反调。pide students into two groups. the students from group a say the
positive/negative sentences, the students from group b say the negative/positive sentences according to group b. finish 5
step 6 sum up
1.学习生词:give, letter, sorry, like, tall, will, young, man, woman, snowman.
2.学习短语:look like, give…to….
3.学习句型:what does he/she look like?
she is tall like you.
i?ll give it to her.
step 7 practice
do some exercises.
(1) she has big hands. (变为否定句)
she ________ ________ big hands.
(2) does jane have small eyes?(做肯定、否定回答)
_____, ______ ______.
_____, ______ ______. her eyes _____ big.
(3) i have long hair. (变一般疑问句和否定句)
________ you ________ long hair?
i ________ ________ long hair.
(4) jane doesn?t have a round face. (变为肯定句)
jane ________ a round face.
(5) they are in the same class. (变为否定句)
they _________ in the same class.
(6) he is tall and strong.(对划线部分提问)
step 8 homework
1. recite 1a and finish the exercises.
2.write a passage, describe a person you like.
创设浓厚的学习气氛,通过合唱“the color”这首歌来提高学生的学习热情。第二步:单词竞赛
在前一个模块中,学生初步掌握了利用现在完成时态谈论,旅游、看电影、看书等经历,学习了现在完成时的一般疑问句及肯定、否定的回答方法。在本模块中,学生将继续学习yet, already, just等词在现在完成时态中的用法及have been to与have gone to之间的区别。学习了现在完成时的一般疑问句及肯定、否定的回答方法。人类对宇宙的探索,是否真的存在外星人,太空旅行……这些是初中生们非常感兴趣的话题,学生会觉得有话可说。但是这一话题涉及较多的词汇,学生掌握的难度较大。所以可能会导致学生有话想说,但却无法用英语来表达的尴尬场面。所以在具体安排教学内容时,应适当降低难度与要求,通过开展生动有趣的活动将航天知识和语法知识深入浅出的传授给学生。
4.教学重点:①重点词汇:earth, just, already, station, recently, planet等.
②重点句型:---Have you ….yet?
---Yes, I have already / just…
---No, I haven’t…yet.
---I have been to… He / She has gone to…
② Have been to.与Have gone to的区别。
1.Unit 1的教学:
上课前5分钟复习现在完成时句型,复习巩固前一模块的内容。然后展示些图片学习本节课新单词。再听录音完成Activity1.将5个单词标序。接着重新再听一遍完成第二部分check .针对对话,先提出三个关于对话内容的问题,让学生带着问题去听课文录音,之后回答。再让学生自己去读课文完成Activity4 and 5.接着学生跟读,再分角色朗读.继续细化这个对话内容。在完成第四,第五部分后可进行一个pair work , group in four 4人一组讨论关于太空旅行我们中国人做了的跟没做
的.(What we have done and what we haven’t done)然后让学生自己描述。
2.Unit 2的教学:
3.Unit 3的教学:
语法练习,在学生学会用现在完成时表达的基础上,掌握它的疑问句形式并作出的肯定或否定回答。让学生在自主学习和互助交流时感受语法,发展语言能力。把Activity1,2,3,4部分一起完成,让学生加深对have been to跟have gone to的区别,以小组为单位来继续操练现在完成时。再完成Activity5,6,7,9,通过本环节的练习,使学生进一步理解和掌握重点单词和短语。接着完成Activity8,层层递进。Around the world部分让学生了解大概意思后可以相互讨论下更多关于宇宙的信息。
篇12: 四年级阅读课教学设计
1 .指导阅读一段《三国演义》中的文字,教给学生阅读及解决问题的方法;
2 .学生汇报自己所喜爱的《三国演义》中的人物及故事;
3 .以故事及故事中的人物为主线,达到指导学生读懂书中语言文字的目的。
4 .通过对名著的欣赏和对人物的分析,指导学生进行阅读、合作探究。
5 .体验文学作品的魅力,逐步培养学生的艺术欣赏力。
1. 同学们,《三国演义》是我国第一部演义小说,也是我国历史小说中的著名作品。
2. 大家敬佩的英雄各不相同,看来对人物的看法,是仁者见仁智者见智。
3. 由情节引出主要人物:看完三国演义,给你印象最为深刻的情节是哪一段?(以下环节随机,由学生所说情节教师相机引出主要人物)





