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2022-10-26 08:34:50 收藏本文 下载本文





◆ I am presently looking for a position where my experience will make a positive contribution to the start-up or continuing profitable operation of a business in which I am so well experienced.

◆ I am an innovative achiever. I feel that in a growth industry like cable television, there is a need for a representative who can meet and beat the competition. I feel that I have all the necessary ingredients to contribute to the success of Any Corporation, and if necessary, I am willing to take a step backwards as long as theirs potential for forward momentum. All I need is a starting point.

◆ Your advertisement in the June 16th issue of Lawyers Monthly is of great interest to me. I feel that I have the qualifications necessary to effectively handle the responsibilities of Administrative Judge.

◆ I recently took a sabbatical and finished my Bachelors Degree in June at Emerson College. I am currently seeking full-time employment.

◆ After fifteen years as a District Sales Manager, I am seeking new opportunities and am forwarding my resume for your consideration.

◆ I am planning a permanent relocation to the Chicago area in late summer. I am submitting my resume for consideration in areas where I can apply my experience and education in accounting towards reaching mutually beneficial goals.

◆ I am desirous of apply this job in order to gain more experience in an exporter's office.

◆ Having noticed the enclosed advertisement in this morning's China Daily News, I wish to apply for the position referred to.

◆ Learning form Mrs. Liu that you are looking for a HR manager, I should like to apply for the position.


I am presently looking for a position where my experience will make a positive contribution to the start-up or continuing profitable operation of a business in which I am so well experienced.

◆ I am an innovative achiever.I feel that in a growth industry like cable television,there is a need for a representative who can meet and beat the competition.I feel that I have all the necessary ingredients to contribute to the success of Any Corporation,and if necessary,I am willing to take a step backwards as long as theris potential for forward momentum.All I need is a starting point.

◆ Your advertisement in the June 16th issue of Lawyers Monthly is of great interest to me. I feel that I have the qualifications necessary to effectively handle the responsibilities of Administrative Judge.

◆ I recently took a sabbatical and finished my Bachelors Degree in June at Emerson College.I am currently seking full-time employment.

◆ After fifteen years as a District Sales Manager,I am seeking new opportunities and am forwarding my resume for your consideration.

◆ I am planning a permanent relocation to the Chicage area in late summer.I am submitting my resume fo rconsideration in areas where I can apply my experience and education in accounting towards reaching mutually benefical goals.

◆ I am desirous of apply this job in order to gain more experience in an exporter#39;s office.

◆ Having noticed the enclosed advertisement in this morning#39;s China Daily News,I wish to apply for the position referred to.

◆ Learning form Mrs Liu that you are looking for a HR manager,I should like to apply for the position.



I am presently looking for a position where my experience will make a positive contribution to the start-up or continuing profitable operation of a business in which I am so well experienced.

◆ I am an innovative achiever.I feel that in a growth industry like cable television,there is a need for a representative who can meet and beat the competition.I feel that I have all the necessary ingredients to contribute to the success of Any Corporation,and if necessary,I am willing to take a step backwards as long as theris potential for forward momentum.All I need is a starting point.

◆ Your advertisement in the June 16th issue of Lawyers Monthly is of great interest to me. I feel that I have the qualifications necessary to effectively handle the responsibilities of Administrative Judge.

◆ I recently took a sabbatical and finished my Bachelors Degree in June at Emerson College.I am currently seking full-time employment.

◆ After fifteen years as a District Sales Manager,I am seeking new opportunities and am forwarding my resume for your consideration.

◆ I am planning a permanent relocation to the Chicage area in late summer.I am submitting my resume fo rconsideration in areas where I can apply my experience and education in accounting towards reaching mutually benefical goals.

◆ I am desirous of apply this job in order to gain more experience in an exporter's office.

◆ Having noticed the enclosed advertisement in this morning's China Daily News,I wish to apply for the position referred to.

◆ Learning form Mrs Liu that you are looking for a HR manager,I should like to apply for the position.




◆ I am presently looking for a position where my experience will make a positive contribution to the start-up or continuing profitable operation of a business in which I am so well experienced.

◆ I am an innovative achiever.I feel that in a growth industry like cable television,there is a need for a representative who can meet and beat the competition.I feel that I have all the necessary ingr



辞职报告范文一 尊敬的领导: 我很遗憾自己在这个时候向公司正式提出辞职。 我自 年 月 日进入股份有限公司, 年 月 日调入xx部门,至今已过半载,正是在这里我开始踏上了社会,完成了个人人生中的一次重要转变——从一个学生到社会人的转变。 在过去的半年里,公司给予了我良好的学习和锻炼机会,学到了一些新的东西充实了自己,增加了自己的一些知识和实践经验。我对于公司半年多的照顾表示真心的感谢!今天我选择离开并不是我对现在的工作畏惧,承受能力不行。经过慎重的思考,我发现在公司的工作离我的职业目标渐行渐远。人如果偏离了自己的职业目标,那剩下的光阴只会虚度一生,碌碌无为,不会给公司带来任何价值,相信公司领导能给予充分的谅解。 我也很清楚这时候向公司辞职于公司于自己都是一个考验,公司正值用人之际,公司项目的开展,所有的前续工作在公司上下极力重视下一步步推进。也正是考虑到公司今后推进的合理性,本着对公司负责的态度,为了不让公司因我而造成的决策失误,我郑重向公司提出辞职,望公司给予批准。 祝公司项目推进顺利创造辉煌,祝公司的领导和同事们前程似锦鹏程万里! 此致 敬礼 辞职人签名: 日期: 20xx年3月25日 …………………………………………………………………………………………


经理: 我带着复杂的心情写这封辞职信。由于您对我的能力的信任,使我得以加入公司,并且在短短的几周时间获得了许多的机遇和挑战。经过这几周在公司从事市场的工作,使我在美容行业领域学到了很多知识、积累了一定的经验。对此我深怀感激! 公司无论工作环境、团队、压力,甚至个人喜好,我都很满意。但,因为某些个人的理由,我不得不向公司提出申请 ,并希望能与今年4月6日正式离职。 感谢您给我提供了一个展示自己才华的舞台,感谢您给了我一个能与一群出色员工一起工作的机会,感谢您在我们共同工作的这段时间给予我的支持与鼓励! 对于由此为公司造成的不便,我深感抱歉。但同时也希望公司能体恤我的个人实际,对我的申请予以考虑并批准为盼。 此致 敬礼 辞职人签名: 日期: 20xx年3月25日 ……………………………………………………………………………………………

辞职报告范文三 尊敬的老板: 您好!首先,非常感谢您这半年来对我的信任和关照。 这段时间,我认真回顾了这半年来的工作情况,觉得来宾馆工作是我的幸运,一直以来我也非常珍惜这份工作,这半年多来老板对我的关心和教导让我感激不尽。在宾馆工作的半年多时间中,我学到很多东西,无论是交际方面还是做人方面都有了很大的改善,感谢老板对我的关心和培养,对于我此刻的离开我只能表示深深的歉意。非常感激这份工作给予了我很好的锻炼机会,但同时,我发觉自己从事这份工作心有余而力不足,长时间的工作让我有点吃不消。故我决定辞职,请您支持。 请您谅解我做出的决定。我将做到年底结束后离开宾馆,以便完成工作交接.我很遗憾不能为宾馆辉煌的明天贡献自己的力量。我只有衷心祝愿宾馆的业绩一路飙升!老板及各位同事工作顺利! 此致 敬礼! 辞职人: 日期:20xx年5月19日 ……………………………………………………………………………………………

辞职报告范文四 敬爱的公司领导: 您好! 我因为诸多个人原因,经过深刻冷静的思考后,郑重的向公司高层提出辞职要求。 首先,在贵公司工作的这几个月以来,我收获良多,在领导以及同事的帮助下使我掌握了很多非本专业的知识,开阔了眼界,增长了阅历。 其次,公司的工作气氛很好,同事们工作都很努力,领导也很体谅下属。使我在公司感受到了家的温暖。 无奈之下提出辞职,客观原因是我家将远迁至XX市XX区,工作上班实在是不方便,每天将近1个半小时的路程,如果再遇到恶劣天气以及交通堵塞,实在是很难保证上班的时间。而且如果加夜班、晚班,归家路途也有诸多不便。除了客观原因外,主观原因则是我觉得自己的能力有限,对于剧本的写作掌握的似乎还不够火候,我从事小说、散文以及报导写作多年,可是对于剧本是首次尝试,因此给公司造成的诸多不便还请谅解。也许是天资愚钝,我对于公司的工作操作方式很难跟上节奏,因此为了不再给领导添加负担与麻烦、拖同事们的后腿,我特此提出辞职。 最后,祝公司生意兴隆,发展越来越好。 您的员工: 日期: 20xx年5月19日


1、亲戚做生意要我去帮忙 2、找了在外地上班的男/女朋友 3、要去学门新技术 4、要去学车 5、准备去大城市见见世面




◆ I am presently looking for a position where my experience will make a positive contribution to the start-up or continuing profitable operation of a business in which I am so well experienced.

◆ I am an innovative achiever.I feel that in a growth industry like cable television,there is a need for a representative who can meet and beat the competition.I feel that I have all the necessary ingredients to contribute to the success of Any Corporation,and if necessary,I am willing to take a step backwards as long as theris potential for forward momentum.All I need is a starting point.

◆ Your advertisement in the June 16th issue of Lawyers Monthly is of great interest to me. I feel that I have the qualifications necessary to effectively handle the responsibilities of Administrative Judge.

◆ I recently took a sabbatical and finished my Bachelors Degree in June at Emerson College.I am currently seking full-time employment.

◆ After fifteen years as a District Sales Manager,I am seeking new opportunities and am forwarding my resume for your consideration.

◆ I am planning a permanent relocation to the Chicage area in late summer.I am submitting my resume fo rconsideration in areas where I can apply my experience and education in accounting towards reaching mutually benefical goals.

◆ I am desirous of apply this job in order to gain more experience in an exporter's office.

◆ Having noticed the enclosed advertisement in this morning's China Daily News,I wish to apply for the position referred to.

◆ Learning form Mrs Liu that you are looking for a HR manager,I should like to apply for the position.

阅读本文的人还同时阅读了:如何写好英文求职信          商务英语专业英文求职信写作



◆ I am presently looking for a position where my experience will make a positive contribution to the start-up or continuing profitable operation of a business in which I am so well experienced.

◆ I am an innovative achiever.I feel that in a growth industry like cable television,there is a need for a representative who can meet and beat the competition.I feel that I have all the necessary ingredients to contribute to the success of Any Corporation,and if necessary,I am willing to take a step backwards as long as theris potential for forward momentum.All I need is a starting point.

◆ Your advertisement in the June 16th issue of Lawyers Monthly is of great interest to me. I feel that I have the qualifications necessary to effectively handle the responsibilities of Administrative Judge.

◆ I recently took a sabbatical and finished my Bachelors Degree in June at Emerson College.I am currently seking full-time employment.

◆ After fifteen years as a District Sales Manager,I am seeking new opportunities and am forwarding my resume for your consideration.

◆ I am planning a permanent relocation to the Chicage area in late summer.I am submitting my resume fo rconsideration in areas where I can apply my experience and education in accounting towards reaching mutually benefical goals.

◆ I am desirous of apply this job in order to gain more experience in an exporter's office.

◆ Having noticed the enclosed advertisement in this morning's China Daily News,I wish to apply for the position referred to.

◆ Learning form Mrs Liu that you are looking for a HR manager,I should like to apply for the position.



◆ I am presently looking for a position where my experience will make a positive contribution to the start-up or continuing profitable operation of a business in which I am so well experienced.

◆ I am an innovative achiever.I feel that in a growth industry like cable television,there is a need for a representative who can meet and beat the competition.I feel that I have all the necessary ingredients to contribute to the success of Any Corporation,and if necessary,I am willing to take a step backwards as long as theris potential for forward momentum.All I need is a starting point.

◆ Your advertisement in the June 16th issue of Lawyers Monthly is of great interest to me. I feel that I have the qualifications necessary to effectively handle the responsibilities of Administrative Judge.

◆ I recently took a sabbatical and finished my Bachelors Degree in June at Emerson College.I am currently seking full-time employment.

◆ After fifteen years as a District Sales Manager,I am seeking new opportunities and am forwarding my resume for your consideration.

◆ I am planning a permanent relocation to the Chicage area in late summer.I am submitting my resume fo rconsideration in areas where I can apply my experience and education in accounting towards reaching mutually benefical goals.

◆ I am desirous of apply this job in order to gain more experience in an exporter's office.

◆ Having noticed the enclosed advertisement in this morning's China Daily News,I wish to apply for the position referred to.

◆ Learning form Mrs Liu that you are looking for a HR manager,I should like to apply for the position.





























































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