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作 者:许传俊 李玲 XU Chuan-Jun LI Ling  作者单位:许传俊,XU Chuan-Jun(华南师范大学生命科学学院,广东省植物发育重点实验室,广州,510631;福建省亚热带植物研究所,福建,厦门,361006)

李玲,LI Ling(华南师范大学生命科学学院,广东省植物发育重点实验室,广州,510631)

刊 名:植物生理学通讯  ISTIC PKU英文刊名:PLANT PHYSIOLOGY COMMUNICATIONS 年,卷(期): 42(5) 分类号:Q94 关键词:赤霉素   信号转导   DELLA蛋白   SCF E3复合体  

篇2:Low-Frequency Noise Properties of Ga

Low-Frequency Noise Properties of GaN Schottky Barriers Deposited on Intermediate Temperature Buffer Layers

Flicker noise and deep level transient spectroscopy were used to characterize defect properties of GaN films with different buffer structures. Results indicate improved properties with the use of intermediate temperature buffer layers due to the relaxation of residue strain in the films.

作 者:B. H. Leung W. K. Fong C. Surya L. W. Lu W. K. Ge  作者单位:B. H. Leung,W. K. Fong,C. Surya(Department of Electronic and Information Engineering and Photonics Research Centre The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)

L. W. Lu,W. K. Ge(Laboratory of Semiconductor for Materials Science Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100083, China; Department of Physics The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong)

刊 名:光学学报  ISTIC EI PKU英文刊名:ACTA OPTICA SINICA 年,卷(期): 23(z1) 分类号:O4 关键词: 

篇3:Geological conditions of coal and ga

Geological conditions of coal and gas(oil)-bearing basins in China

There are various types of coal basins in China. Indosinian movement can be regarded as their evolutionary limit, and the basins can be divided into two developmental stages, three structural patterns and two sedimentary environments. However, only those coal measure strata that have been deeply buried in the earth are possible to be converted into coal and gas (oil)-bearing basins. Among which, only part of the coal measures possess the essential geological conditions to the formation of commercial humic oil. However, humic gas will be the major exploration target for natural gas in China. Among various coal basins, foreland basins have the best prospect for humic gas. Rift (faulted) basins accumulate the most abundance of humic gas, and are most favorable to generate humic oil. Craton basins have relatively low abundance of humic gas, but the evolution is rather great. The three kinds of coal basins mentioned above constitute China's three primary accumulation areas of humic gas: western, central and offshore areas. The major basins for humic gas field exploration include Tarim, Ordos, Sichuan, East China Sea and Yingqiong basins.

作 者:WANG Tingbin  作者单位:Exploration and Production Research Institute, SINOPEC, Beijing 100083, China 刊 名:中国科学D辑(英文版)  SCI英文刊名:SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D: EARTH SCIENCES 年,卷(期): 48(4) 分类号:P3 关键词:coal basin   conversion   gas(oil)-bearing basin   geological condition  

篇4:PID Controller Optimization by GA an

PID Controller Optimization by GA and Its Performances on the Electro-hydraulic Servo Control System

A proportional integral derivative (PID) controller is designed and attached to electro-hydraulic servo actuator system (EHSAS) to control the angular position of the rotary actuator which control the movable surface of space vehicles. The PID gain parameters areoptimized by the genetic algorithm (GA). The controller is verified on the new state-space model of servo-valves attached to the physical rotary actuator by SIMULINK program. The controller and the state-space model are verified experimentally. Simulation and experimental results verify the effectiveness of the PID controller adaptive by GA to control the angular position of the rotary actuator as compared with the classical PID controller and the compensator controller.

作 者:Karam M. Eibayomy Jiao Zongxia Zhang Huaqing  作者单位:School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083, China 刊 名:中国航空学报(英文版)  ISTIC英文刊名:CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS 年,卷(期): 21(4) 分类号:V2 关键词:PID controller   electro-hydraulic servo control system   genetic controller   GA  



溶血磷脂酸(lysophosphatidic acid,LPA)是一种类生长因子的脂类信号分子.在血栓形成过程中被激活的血小板可以产生LPA.自从证明LPA有胞外信号功能以后,许多新的`生物活性又被不断发现.LPA最主要的作用是诱导各类细胞增殖.人们已经找到几种LPA受体cDNA克隆.LPA主要通过G蛋白偶联受体影响靶细胞功能,其信号转导系统包括已知的几条信号通路:激活Gq从而激活磷脂酶C; 激活Gi从而抑制腺苷酸环化酶并激活MAPK级联通路; 激活G12/13从而激活Rho级联通路等.

作 者:马睿 MA Rui  作者单位:中国协和医科大学阜外心血管病医院中国医学科学院心血管病研究所,北京,100037 刊 名:生物化学与生物物理进展  ISTIC SCI PKU英文刊名:PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 年,卷(期): 27(1) 分类号:Q54 关键词:溶血磷脂酸   受体cDNA克隆   信号转导  

篇6:Device Length Dependency of Cross Ga

Device Length Dependency of Cross Gain Modulation and Cross Phase Modulation in Semiconductor Optical Amplifier

The cross gain modulation, the cross phase modulation and their recovery time in the SOAs with the various lengths were experimentally investigated. It was found that these values strongly depended on the device length.

作 者:Tomonori Yazaki Ryo Inohara Kosuke Nishimura Munefumi Tsurusawa Masashi Usami  作者单位:KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc., 2-1-15 Ohara, Kamifukuoka-shi, Saitama, 356-8502 Japan 刊 名:光学学报  ISTIC EI PKU英文刊名:ACTA OPTICA SINICA 年,卷(期): 23(z1) 分类号:O4 关键词: 

篇7:Hf isotopes of the 3.8 Ga zircons in

Hf isotopes of the 3.8 Ga zircons in eastern Hebei Province, China: Implications for early crustal evolution of the Nort

Zircon U-Pb dating indicates that the fuchsite quartzite in eastern Hebei Province was derived from weathering and erosion of the 3.6-3.8 Ga granitic rocks. In-situ zircon Hf analyses show that the Lu-Hf isotopic system remained closed during later thermal disturbances. Zircons with concordant ages have Hf isotopic model ages of about 3.8 Ga, suggesting a recycling of this ancient crust. The ~3.8 Ga zircons have similar Hf isotopic compositions to those of chondrite, indicating that their source rocks (granitic rocks) were derived from partial melting of the juvenile crust which originated from a mantle without significant crust-mantle differentiation. Therefore, it is proposed that there was no large-scale crustal growth before ~3.8 Ga in eastern Hebei Province. Considering zircon Hf isotopic data from other areas, it is concluded that the most ancient crust in the North China Craton probably formed at about 4.0 Ga, and the possibility to find crust older than 4.0 Ga is very limited.

作 者:WU Fuyuan YANG Jinhui LIU Xiaoming LI Tiesheng XIE Liewen YANG Yueheng  作者单位:WU Fuyuan,YANG Jinhui,LI Tiesheng,XIE Liewen,YANG Yueheng(State Key Laboratory of Tectonic Evolution, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China)

LIU Xiaoming(Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Department of Geology, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069, China)

刊 名:科学通报(英文版)  SCI英文刊名:CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 年,卷(期): 50(21) 分类号:P5 关键词:Hf isotope   zircon   ancient crust   North China Craton  




玍5画 gǎ  方言,(脾气)怪僻。方言,调皮。

尕5画 gǎ  方言,小:~娃(含亲爱之意)。~李。

轧5画 gá,yà,zhá

旮6画 gā  〔~旯〕a.角落,如“墙~~”、“门~~”;b.喻偏僻的地方,如“山~~”、“背(bèi)~~”。

钆6画 gá  一种金属元素,稀土金属。它的氟化物和硫化物都带淡红色。用于微波技术、彩色电视机的荧光粉、原子能工业及配制特种合金。

夹6画 gā,jiá,jiā  1. 夹 [jiā]从两旁钳住:使劲儿~住。两旁有物限制住,在两者之间:两山~一水。~峙。搀杂:~生饭。~杂。夹东西的器具:竹~子。~剪。卷(juǎn )~。

2.夹 [jiá]两层的衣服:~衣。~被。古同【铗】字: 冶铸用的钳:火~。铁~子。剑。剑柄。 剑把子。

3. [gā]〔~肢窝〕腋下。(夾)

4.夹 [xiá]古同【狭】字: 窄,不宽阔,与“广”相对:~窄。~长。~隘。偏~。~邪(指小街曲巷娼妓居住的`地方。亦作“狭斜”)。 狭窄。

伽7画 gā,jiā,qié  1.伽 [qié]〔~南香〕沉香。〔~蓝〕梵语“僧伽蓝摩”的简称,指僧众所住的园林,后指佛寺。

2.伽 [jiā]〔~倻〕朝鲜乐器名,有些像中国的筝。

3.伽 [gā]〔~马射线〕即“丙种射线”,镭和其他一些放射性元素的原子放出的射线,应用于工业和医学等领域。

尬7画 gà  〔尴~〕同【尴】字: 〔~尬〕a.处境窘困,不易处理。b.神色、态度不正常。(尷)

呷8画 gā,xiā

咖8画 gā,kā  1. 咖 [kā]2. 咖 [gā]咖 [kā]〔~啡〕常绿灌木或小乔木,产在热带,叶长卵形,花白色,果实红色,种子可制饮料。咖 [gā]〔~喱〕用胡椒、姜黄、香椒等的粉末做成的调味品。

尜9画 gá  〔~~〕a.一种儿童玩具,两头尖中间大。亦称“~儿”;b.像尜尜的,如“~~枣”、“~~汤”(用玉米面等做的食品)(后一个“尜”均读轻声)。

釓9画 gá  同【钆】字: 一种金属元素,稀土金属。它的氟化物和硫化物都带淡红色。用于微波技术、彩色电视机的荧光粉、原子能工业及配制特种合金。

躮11画 sǎi gā lāi rē

魀13画 gà  古同【尬】字: 〔尴~〕同【尴】字: 〔~尬〕a.处境窘困,不易处理。b.神色、态度不正常。(尷)

銯14画 kǎ sī gā yī

嘎14画 gǎ,gā

噶15画 gá 〔~伦〕中国原西藏地方政府的主要官员。〔~厦〕藏语“发布命令的机关”,即中国原西藏地方政府,由噶伦四人组成,一九五九年后解散。译音字。

嘠15画 gā 1. 嘠 [gā]古同【嘎】字,象声词,形容鸭子,大雁等的叫声。象声词,形容短促而响亮的声音:汽车~的一声刹住了。

2.嘎 [gá]同【尜】字: 〔~~〕a.一种儿童玩具,两头尖中间大。亦称“~儿”;b.像尜尜的,如“~~枣”、“~~汤”(用玉米面等做的食品)(后一个“尜”均读轻声)

3. 嘎 [gǎ]乖僻,脾气不好。调(tiáo )皮。

錷16画 gá  化学元素“钆”的旧译。

篇9:Identification of 3.5 Ga detrital zi

Identification of 3.5 Ga detrital zircons from Yangtze craton in south China and the implication for Archean crust evolu

The LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of hundreds of detrital zircon grains from the Sinian sandstones of Liantuo formation and tillites of Nantuo formation at Sanxia area in Yichang identified 3319-3508 Ma zircon grains. Their 207pb/206pb and 206pb/238U ages show excellent agreement (concordia degree 99 %-100 % ). Their CL images exhibit well-developed oscillatory zoning and the Th/U ratios are within 0. 46-0. 76, implying that they are igneous zircons which formed during middle-early Archean. These zircons are the oldest ones discovered in Yangtze craton until now. However, the detrital zircons with ages older than 3.3 Ga in the metamorphic rocks of Kongling group were not found by further investigation, which suggests the presence of crust older than high-grade metamorphic Kongling terrain in Yangtze craton.

作 者:LIU Xiaoming GAO Shan LING Wenli YUAN Honglin HU Zhaochu  作者单位:LIU Xiaoming,GAO Shan(National Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, Faculty of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China;Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Department of Geology, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069, China)

LING Wenli(National Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, Faculty of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China)

YUAN Honglin,HU Zhaochu(Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Department of Geology, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069, China)

刊 名:自然科学进展(英文版)  SCI英文刊名:PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE 年,卷(期):2006 16(6) 分类号:N1 关键词:early Archean   detrital zircon   zircon dating   Yangtze craton  





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