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请用ielts way来对待雅思口语

熟悉吗?没错,这就是生活中朋友间会谈论的话题。可是,可是!在正式考试时,你的回答万万不可走高冷范儿,蹦出一两个单词不能够为考官提供足够的“语言证据”来说服他们愉快地给你打高分呦。不要忘记,拓展你的回答,Do it in the IELTS way!


总的来说,这部分的问题回答长度在2-3个句子为最佳。除了点头YES 摇头NO的答案之外,可通过下面方法让你的回答丰富起来:

1. 通过举例的方式进一步解释回答,说明理由, 比如:

Q: do you think that we spend too much time with computers?


A: Well, I suppose we do, because computers play an essential part inour daily lives. And I think it is ok as long as we make sure we can get enoughexercise everyday as well.


2.讲述故事,可以是个人经历,有趣的事等, 比如:

Q:when did you watch your first movie in a cinema?


A: I can’t really remember,it was so long ago. But I do remember very clearlygoing to seethe Saw. It was myfirst time watching a horror movie. And I was so scared that my mum had to takeme out of the movie.


3. 针对问题表达个人观点, 比如:

Q: do you like shopping for clothes?


A: oh yes, I LOVE it! It’s my favorite freeactivity which makes me really happy especially when I finally get what I wantafter long expectation. Sometimes, I think I spend far too much money, though,and I ‘d spend more if I had it.


雅思口语Part3话题范文: interesting speech

1.What are the differences between a political speech and a speech given by a non-political person?

I think these days there seems to be a blurred line between the both, because even politicians give speeches where they talk of the benefits of the listener. But, on a very close notice, I would say a speech given by a political person has lot of promises involved but the one by a non-political person tends to have lot of examples of how things were done and how you might follow them.

2.What are the important aspects of a good speech?

I think a good speech is the one that strikes you in your heart and forms an impression that lasts forever. I remember listening to Barack Obama’s speech and it was so wow, that you felt so much connected to it. There was a great content that he had written but apart from that they way he delivered the speech was beyond imagination. It was as if he was on a one to one conversation with the millions of people sitting over there. So, I think a good speech is not just a great content but also the way the person delivers it.

3.What do you think makes a person a good speech giver?

A lot of practice makes someone perfect in anything and that is what I believe in. I think if there is someone who wants to really give good speech than he or she should practice a lot and when giving a speech it should not be that you are trying to tell someone something, so the focus shouldn't be on making the other person listen but on making sure that you speak from the heart and when that happens, people do listen automatically.

4.Why do people get nervous when they speak in public?

Quite possibly because it’s something they don’t do very often, or it might even be the first time they are doing it. It’s one of those things that the more you do the better at doing it you become – but the first couple of times can be nerve-racking if you’re not used to standing up and talking in front of people.

However, if you do it regularly, it’s surprising just how quickly you can begin to feel comfortable speaking in public in front of people you don’t know. Like anything really, practice makes perfect, and you soon learn lots of little tricks and things to help you deal with any nerves, or unforeseen circumstances.

5.How can they improve their public speaking skills?

So, one of the easiest ways to become better at speaking in public is to practice. Now, clearly it’s not that easy to find a large group of people to speak to whenever you want to practice, but there are still a lot of things you can do to improve your performance, without needing an audience.

For example, it’s important to be able to look at your audience when speaking so practicing reading your notes while speaking and moving your head from one side of the room to the other so you can make eye contact with audience members while speaking is a simple technique to practice until it becomes natural.

Another tip would be to record yourself speaking – this can be very effective because most people have no idea what they really sound like when they speak. So it’s a good way to evaluate and analyse yourself in private and try and improve anything you don’t like about the way you speak.

Along the same lines, you could video yourself delivering one of your speeches to get a better idea of how an audience sees you. And then, obviously you need to actually speak to groups of people as if you were delivering a real speech. Even asking a couple of friends to sit and critique your performance can help you become better, more polished, and feel more comfortable and confident when speaking in public.

雅思口语Part3话题范文:an experience on good service

1.What are the differences between large shop services and small store ones?

one of the most significant differences between large shop services and small store ones is their service time. in china, small stores, especially street corner ones tend to have a very long service time, like 6am to midnight, compared with large shop’s 9am to 9 pm. another noted difference is that while large shops, like supermarkets, are largely self-service, small stores still hold the old kind of ask-and-offer style. in addition, small stores usually can provide faster service since you needn’t queue up idly for the cashier which is generally the case in supermarket.

2.What do people do when they get bad services?

On average, a person will afterwards tell 24 people about a bad customer service experience they have. In today's world, bad experiences are likely to be shared through social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, etc. With these sites, it is likely that hundreds more people will hear about a bad experience. but for some patient and laid back kind of folks, they may well let it go without making a fuss if the bad services don’t reach a point to significantly impair their enjoyment.

3.What are the qualities of being a good restaurant?

There are certain characteristics that distinguish a good restaurant from an average one. in my view, The first characteristic of a good restaurant is cleanness since it can provide good impression to the customers.

The second characteristic of a good restaurant is to provide good service since it will attract many customers to revisit again. The last one is to charge reasonable prices of food in order to satisfy customers.

雅思口语Part3话题范文:Describe a cafe you enjoyed

1.Why do people like café?

The softly-furnished cafes which served tasty and refreshing coffee were a world away from greasy-spoon joints, and actually encouraged customers to linger. Drinking coffee was also seen as a way to emulate the cosmopolitan New York lifestyles showcased in hugely popular sitcoms like Friends or Seinfeld. The popularity of café culture was further cemented by the emergence of the digital age, when laptops, mobile phones, and later tablets, freed some workers from their desk.

2.When people want to have discussion, why do they prefer café to restaurant?

unlike the traditional restaurants, a café, such as Starbucks is what urban planners call a third place, which is neither home or work but a neutral community space where people can meet on an equal footing. A cup of coffee may be a bit costly, you can really rent yourself a pleasant, inviting living room where you can stay for a while and meet with friends or work colleagues. the surroundings are comfy, quiet and laid back where great discussion can happen.

3.What kinds of people would like to go to café?

First of all, The Stressed Out Student. We've all been this person: Cramming for an exam on a laptop, trying frantically to finish a term paper, and chugging so much black coffee that we're convinced the stuff is actually running through our veins. And all so the business type, Like the Time Killer, they'll spend their entire time in the coffee shop tapping away at their phone.

4.Will café be popular in the future?

yes, the café culture emerges in parallel with some big changes in how people live, work and interact. Urban planners speak of a “third place” which is neither home nor work, but a neutral community space where people can meet on an equal footing. And the café is a best choice. In the future, more and more people will consider coffee shops to be their second office/study as they can use the space to relax and unwind, write articles, draft new ideas or improve the existing ones, read, browse the Internet, pay the bills, manage various accounts, maintain blogs and social media accounts, plan the day, eat, and finally enjoy coffee.

雅思口语part1话题答案:going out

1. Do you prefer going out or staying at home? Why?

A. I am the person who is interested in spending my spare time with my family. What matters is not about whether going out or staying at home, but being with my family,so both is ok to me.We can stay at home watching a whole day of old movies and ordering take-aways or we can make a wild field trip to the rarely beaten part of the city.

2. What will do if you go out?

A. In weekends, I am used to hanging out with my family members and spend on outdoor, sometimes we go to cinema or parks. In weekdays, I have to go to work and study. This is the usual thing I would be doing if I go out. Apart from that, sometimes I would like to hang out with my friends and visit naturally beautiful places in my hometown.

3.When you go out for an evening, what do you like to do?

I call my close friends to check out what they are doing and whether they are busy or not. If they are free, I either choose to visit a park and spend time there with my friends or arrange an outdoor game like cricket or badminton.Sometimes I go out for shopping in the evening if this is necessary or enjoy a movie in a movie theatre.

4.Do you prefer going out on your own or with friends?

You bet!being alone is boring while being someone's company is joyful.So my motto is the more the better.it really feels wonderful even when we just slob around the streets and do some idle joking and poking at each other.






1. How to do it





2. What you can get from it

① Pronunciation


有时只听录音还不能完全了解个别发音的过程,如[f]和[V] 的音,所以通过录像来学习就可以更加直观,让发音得以完善,变得更加到位。

② Vocabulary and Grammar





模仿到达一定程度以后,对于段落 篇章的内容考生便可以开始练习复述。


1. Recite it


比如说新概念第2册第一课A PRIVATE CONVERSATION 就非常适合模仿,复述。


基础好的同学可以模仿第三册19课 A VERY DEAR CAT 这篇文章甚是有趣,而且从句用的特别好。

2. Retell it



① 词汇和句型替换



如“珍贵”的表达除了 “dear”还有“rare”, “precious”, “valuable”等等。

② 意义替换


如考生可以借鉴电影《功夫熊猫》(Kungfu Panda )来呈现出对执着、自信的表达。


有了前面的基础和原创的意识, 只要考场上加



雅思口语中,你还是张口闭口的I want吗?来看看I want 有多没礼貌

在美国人口语中,如果你总是用I want,会给人一种你看起来很像小孩说的感觉,而已是那种特别淘气,特别热性的小孩(A bratty little kid)。给人一种,粗鲁的,没有礼貌(Rude),缺乏教养的(Poor manner),不懂事儿的小孩说的话。你试着想想,你作为一个成年人了,在人家西方人眼里,你满18周岁了,那你就是成年人了,你觉得你说话像个小屁孩,人家考官会怎么想呢?

所以大家戒掉那个I want吧。改成I would like吧。当你要表达“我想要…”的时候,最好还是用I would like… (较正式)亦或者I’d like ,其缩略版,更口语

1. 点餐不要用I want

记得小编第一次到达美国,几年前吧!我们去一家高档餐厅吃饭,美国小伙伴很gentle地让我先点菜喽(Ordering)!那个时候,我真的都饿了,也就没有注意那么多,那个时候我真应该问问我的小伙伴。小编在那个饥饿难耐的时候,一直在用I want.虽然人家服务员对我的态度真的很好,但是我一直在用这些没礼貌的用语,感觉好对不起那个美国小哥。还有我身边的美国小伙伴,那个时候也一定对我很无语,不过后面他还是告诉我,不应该用I want,而应该用以下这些,点菜时,别再说“I want”了,用下面这些表达最恰当:

1) I would like/I'd like...在你一般点餐的时候,就可以选择用这些较为正式的表达

2) 当你在一些fine dining(高级餐厅)或是舞会,酒会的时候,你就应该用:

Could I have?/Can I have?

May I have?: 比较正式、非常礼貌, 这两种表达是我最想推荐给大家的


I'd like a steak: 我想要一份牛排

I'd like it medium rare...: 要三成熟的

这三种表达都蛮正式的,下面来看看普通一点的,点快餐(in fast food joints)可以用更简洁的说法:

3)I'll have +你要点的吃的或喝的


Eg: Coca, please

这两种表达虽然没有那么正式,但是绝对还是有礼貌的,至少比I want有礼貌哒!

2. 购物也不要用I want

你进入店铺,需要买点东西的时候,如果有走过来的服务员说Could I help you,Sir/Mamm?

你就不要用I want这种表达了,可以用:

1) Do you have...?

2) I'm looking for...Do you have any?

3) I was wondering if you have... 小编经常用这句



1) I'm looking for a blue sweater. Do you have any? 我想买个新手机。你们有吗?

2) Do you have any canvas bags? 我想买包包,有吗?

3. I want to +…你才能用这个表达,但是还是建议使用would like

I want 在跟介词to搭配使用的时候,就没有那么不礼貌了。因为很多时候你也会听到这样的问句:

1)What do you want to be? 你想成为什么?

I want to be happy everyday: 我想每天都很快乐

I want to be + vocation: 我想做什么什么职业/工作

2)What do you want to do? 你想干什么?

对于回答这个问题,那么更好地回答也是用would like to +do的形式要好一点。

I'd like to improve my English indeed. 我非常想提高我的英语

I'd like to start my job: 我想开始我的工作了。

4. 当你表达你想上厕所 的时候,要不要用I want呢?

哈哈哈,其实你也会听到有人说,I want to pee.(我想去尿尿)但是这种确实非常不礼貌,只能用在自己非常熟悉的朋友之间或家人之间,在外面千万不要再用。


1) Nature calls: 婉转的上厕所说法

2) I need to use the washroom: 我要用一下洗手间

雅思口语新题Part2&3之A Good Law法律

Part 2

A Good Law

Describe a good law in your country.

You should say:

1.what the law is

2.how you first learned about this law

3.who benefits from this law

4.and explain why you think this is a good law.

Part 3

1. What role does law play in society?

2. If there were no laws, what do you think society (or life) would be like?

3. Can you give any examples of what is illegal in China?

4. Many people think that an occasional, minor breach of the law is ok. What do you think?

雅思口语新题Part2&3之A Gift You Would Like To Give礼物

Part 2

A Gift You Would Like To Give

Describe a handmade gift you would like to give to a friend.

You should say:

1.who you would like to give this gift to

2.what the gift would be

3.how much it would cost

4.and explain why you would like to give this gift to this person.

Part 3

1. Why do people give gifts to others?

2. When do people in your country give gifts?

3. What should people consider when choosing a gift?

4. Do you think some parents give too many things to their children?

5. Can you suggest any ways to improve that situation?

雅思口语新题Part2&3之A Vehicle You Want To Buy车辆

Part 2

A Vehicle You Want To Buy

Describe a vehicle you would like to buy.

You should say:

1.what kind of vehicle

2.why you would like to have it

3.how you would get it

4.and explain why you would prefer this means of transport.

Part 3

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of public and private transportation?

2. What are the advantages to society of having more people using mass transportation?

3. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of using mass transportation.

4. Why do some people have to travel a long distance every day to go to work?

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the centre of a city and living in the suburbs of a city?

雅思口语中,你还是张口闭口的I want吗?来看看I want 有多没礼貌












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