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写作是一种技能,技能的提高要靠实践。实践出真知。立足于多写多练,这是提高写作能力最有效的途径。如果只读不写或少写,那就会眼高手低,所学到的确良知识,将无用武之地,写作水平也就止步不前。天道酬勤,勤能补拙。只有勤学若练,坚持不懈,才会熟能生巧,运笔自如,真正学到本领。 作为文秘人员,多写多练固然重要,但每次拟稿时,还要进行仔细的修改。多修改自己的文章也是提高文秘写作能力的一个重要环节。多改符合人们认识客观事物由浅入深、由片面到全面的规律,也是写文章责任心强的一种表现。文章频改,工夫自出。事实上,多一次认真修改,就多一份写作的体验,就多一项具体的收获。作为称职的秘书人员,要有高度的责任感,,养成修改文章的良好的良好习惯,虚心听取领导和同志们的意见,克服怕人挑“刺”的思想,对每一篇文章反复推敲,精思细改,这样写作能力才能迅速地提高。




选择“文件”——“页面设置”选择“页边距”附签,上:3.7厘米 下:3.5厘米 左:2.8厘米 右:2.6厘米。选择“版式”附签,将“页眉和页脚”设置成“奇偶页不同”,在该选项前打“√”。选择“文档网格”附签,“字体设置”,“中文字体”设置为“仿宋”;“字号”设置成“三号”,单击“确定”按钮,选中“指定行网格和字符网格”;将“每行”设置成“28”个字符;“每页”设置成“22”行。然后单击“确定”按钮,这样就将版心设置成了以三号字为标准、每页22行、每行28个汉字的国家标准。




选择“插入”——“文本框”——“横排”菜单项,鼠标将会变成“┼”,在Word 20xx版面上单击鼠标左键,出现一个文本框,在该文本框内输入发文机关标识,输入完成后,选中该文本框,单击鼠标右键——“设置文本框格式”,在这里来设置红头的属性。

选择“颜色和线条”附签,“颜色”设置成“无填充颜色”。选择“大小”附签,“高度”设置成“2cm”;宽度设置成“15.5cm”。注:用户可根据实际情况调节尺寸。选择“版式”附签,单击“高级”按钮,水平对齐:“对齐方式”设置成“居中”,“度量依据”设置成“页面”;垂直对齐: “绝对位置”设置成“页边距”, “下侧”设置成“2.5cm”——平行文标准,“8.0cm”——上行文标准,注:用户可根据实际情况调节尺寸。然后单击“确定”。




中”,“度量依据”设置成“页面”,垂直对齐:“绝对位置”设置成“页边距”,“下侧”设置成“7cm” ——平行文标准,“13.5cm”——上行文标准,注:用户可根据实际情况进行调节。单击确定。



上行文文号:文号——三号仿宋字体、左空一个字的距离;签发人——三号仿宋字体;签发人姓名——三号楷体、右空一个字的距离。 注:文号一定要使用六角符号。六角符号插入方法:选择“插入”——“符号”——“符号”附签,找到六角符号后,将光标置于准备插入的地方,单击“插入”按钮即可。




单击“文件”——“保存”,“保存类型”:选择“文档模板(*.dot)”;“文件名”:给模板命名;“保存位置”:模板所在路径(一般不做,默认即可)。 至此,模板制作完成。以后所有属于此种类型的公文都可以调用该模板,直接进行公文正文的排版。 要对该模板进行修改,可以调出相应模板,方法是:选择“文件”——“打开”,找到相应的模板路径,若模板保存时按系统默认设置的,然后单击“打开”按钮调出模板即可进行修改。






标 题——二号小标宋字体,居中显示; 主送机关——三号仿宋字体,顶格,冒号使用全角方式;

正 文——三号仿宋字体;

























能够掌握问题核心,精确解读讯息做出结论,寻求适当解决方案 ,衡量利弊得失并采取实际行动以排除障碍。




能视谈话对象有条理地清楚表达想法,除确保对方专注聆听及充分了 解,并可正确解读、响应、厘清他人所传达的讯息以取得共识。





































1. 接听、转接电话;接待来访人员。

2. 负责办公室的文秘、信息、机要和保密工作,做好办公室档案收集、整理工作。

3. 负责总经理办公室的清洁卫生。

4. 做好会议纪要。

5. 负责公司公文,信件,邮件,报刊杂志的分送。

6. 负责传真件的收发工作。

7. 负责办公室仓库的保管工作,做好物品出入库的登记。

8. 做好公司宣传专栏的组稿。

9. 按照公司印信管理规定,保管使用公章,并对其负责。

10. 做好公司食堂费用支出、流水账登记,并对餐费做统计及餐费的收纳、保管。

11. 每月环保报表的邮寄及社保的打表。

12. 管理好员工人事档案材料, 建立、完善员工人事档案的管理,严格借档手续。


14 .统计每月考勤并交财务做帐,留底。

15 .管理办公各种财产,合理使用并提高财产的使用效率,提倡节俭。

16. 接受其他临时工作.
























能够掌握问题核心,精确解读讯息做出结论,寻求适当解决方案 ,衡量利弊得失并采取实际行动以排除障碍。




能视谈话对象有条理地清楚表达想法,除确保对方专注聆听及充分了 解,并可正确解读、响应、厘清他人所传达的讯息以取得共识。





































1. 接听、转接电话;接待来访人员。

2. 负责办公室的文秘、信息、机要和保密工作,做好办公室档案收集、整理工作。

3. 负责总经理办公室的清洁卫生。

4. 做好会议纪要。

5. 负责公司公文,信件,邮件,报刊杂志的分送。

6. 负责传真件的收发工作。

7. 负责办公室仓库的保管工作,做好物品出入库的登记。

8. 做好公司宣传专栏的组稿。

9. 按照公司印信管理规定,保管使用公章,并对其负责。

10. 做好公司食堂费用支出、流水账登记,并对餐费做统计及餐费的收纳、保管。

11. 每月环保报表的邮寄及社保的打表。

12. 管理好员工人事档案材料, 建立、完善员工人事档案的管理,严格借档手续。


14 .统计每月考勤并交财务做帐,留底。

15 .管理办公各种财产,合理使用并提高财产的使用效率,提倡节俭。

16. 接受其他临时工作.



































作者: 小鹏

原载: 点石互动搜索引擎优化博客






















































篇8: 岗位技能培训总结
































































































一是培训项目与生产服务实际脱节,不能满足就业需要。尽管当前ⅹⅹ有ⅹⅹ家技能培训机构,但由于培训工种较为单一,与用工市场所需要的技术工种不适应,造成培训有效性和实用差,受培训条件影响,造成参加培训人员在培训之后也没有能力直接进入用工企业工作,成为熟练技术工人。 二是部分培训机构只追求参加人数,不关心培训质量和就业效果。从近几年就业培训情况来看,虽然接受过培训的就业人员人数增长较快,但就业人员的整体素质并没有明显改善,技术工人短缺的突出矛盾并未缓解。





3、健全就业培训体系。按照 “面向市场、突出重点、因人而异、提高质量”的的思路开展职业培训工作,推动“市场引导就业、培训促进就业”机制的形成并做好分类技能培训。结合城镇登记失业人员、返乡农民工和农业富余劳动力的意愿和需求,抓好分类培训。对技能水平不高且有就业培训愿望的,着重在提高技能水平上下功夫;对具备创业条件、有志创业的,抓好创业培训辅导,提高创业能力;对年龄偏大、不愿外出的,可开展农业实用技术和种植养殖技术培训,提高其增收的能力。













因招工难,服务业企业招工的门槛也越来越低。浙江华龙物业管理有限公司准备招聘10名保安,学历只要求初中毕业,试用期月工资为2600元,熟练期工资则为2800元,交五险,还提供节假日福利;杭州盛世京运酒店管理有限公司招聘5名服务员,对学历没有任何要求,试用期工资为2500元,熟练期工资则为 2800元,还有提成。



建德宏大建设工程有限公司项目经理洪颢军道出了其中原因:现在的建筑工人,已不是人们印象中的那种挑砖、砌墙的农民工了。“在建筑工地,装管子似乎很简单,但工人要会用套丝机,坏了要会简单维修;水电工要会用会修电镐、切割机、电钻……在建筑工地上,没几年经验没法上手。”正因如此,建筑行业往往采取 “老乡带老乡”的招工模式,通过职业介绍所和劳动力市场招聘工人的方式越来越少。


篇13:笔译中所需的知识与技能On Knowledge and Skills Needed in Oral Interpretation

On Knowledge and Skills Needed in Oral Interpretation


Interpretation, which essentially means an extempore oral reproduction in one language of what is said in another language, has long been considered as a bridge across which people of different cultures may facilitate and further exchange in various realms, particularly nowadays when globalization has developed into a popular trend, more and more importance and attention will be attached to it to smooth cross-culture communication Interpretation, which essentially means an extempore oral reproduction in one language of what is said in another language, has long been considered as a bridge across which people of different cultures may facilitate and further exchange in various realms, particularly nowadays when globalization has developed into a popular trend, more and more importance and attention will be attached to it to smooth cross-culture communication||Interpretation, which essentially means an extempore oral reproduction in one language of what is said in another language, has long been considered as a bridge across which people of different cultures may facilitate and further exchange in various realms, particularly nowadays when globalization has developed into a popular trend, more and more importance and attention will be attached to it to smooth cross-culture communication||Interpretation, which essentially means an extempore oral reproduction in one language of what is said in another language, has long been considered as a bridge across which people of different cultures may facilitate and further exchange in various realms, particularly nowadays when globalization has developed into a popular trend, more and more importance and attention will be attached to it to smooth cross-culture communication.

Experts see interpretation as a three-step linguistic reproduction, namely comprehending, translating and speaking, and each step is efforts-consuming||Experts see interpretation as a three-step linguistic reproduction, namely comprehending, translating and speaking, and each step is efforts-consuming||Experts see interpretation as a three-step linguistic reproduction, namely comprehending, translating and speaking, and each step is efforts-consuming||Experts see interpretation as a three-step linguistic reproduction, namely comprehending, translating and speaking, and each step is efforts-consuming.

Comprehending, or understanding is of key importance|.Without such accurate comprehension, an interpreter will fail to continue---it is definitely a tragedy||Without such accurate comprehension, an interpreter will fail to continue---it is definitely a tragedy||Without such accurate comprehension, an interpreter will fail to continue---it is definitely a tragedy||Without such accurate comprehension, an interpreter will fail to continue---it is definitely a tragedy? or there can be no rendition to the original||or there can be no rendition to the original||or there can be no rendition to the original||or there can be no rendition to the original. In interpreting, this is materialism||In interpreting, this is materialism||In interpreting, this is materialism||In interpreting, this is materialism. On this point, the difficulties involved may be lexical, contextual, and terminological ones, or those caused by the speaker' s exceptionally rapid or particular accent or intonation, or those arising from the interpreter' s lack of knowledge of subject concerned||On this point, the difficulties involved may be lexical, contextual, and terminological ones, or those caused by the speaker' s exceptionally rapid or particular accent or intonation, or those arising from the interpreter' s lack of knowledge of subject concerned||On this point, the difficulties involved may be lexical, contextual, and terminological ones, or those caused by the speaker' s exceptionally rapid or particular accent or intonation, or those arising from the interpreter' s lack of knowledge of subject concerned||On this point, the difficulties involved may be lexical, contextual, and terminological ones, or those caused by the speaker' s exceptionally rapid or particular accent or intonation, or those arising from the interpreter' s lack of knowledge of subject concerned. So, to crack such a hard nut, first an interpreter is required to practise acute ears - so sensitive that he/ she can catch any idiomatic speaker as well as can adapt themselves to various accents and dialects, because persons they often interpret for are not always native speakers, and even native speakers can not always speak as purely as VOA||So, to crack such a hard nut, first an interpreter is required to practise acute ears - so sensitive that he/ she can catch any idiomatic speaker as well as can adapt themselves to various accents and dialects, because persons they often interpret for are not always native speakers, and even native speakers can not always speak as purely as VOA||So, to crack such a hard nut, first an interpreter is required to practise acute ears - so sensitive that he/ she can catch any idiomatic speaker as well as can adapt themselves to various accents and dialects, because persons they often interpret for are not always native speakers, and even native speakers can not always speak as purely as VOA|| So, to crack such a hard nut, first an interpreter is required to practise acute ears - so sensitive that he/ she can catch any idiomatic speaker as well as can adapt themselves to various accents and dialects, because persons they often interpret for are not always native speakers, and even native speakers can not always speak as purely as VOA.

Here acute ears, of course, do not necessarily mean that the interpreter must grasp every word uttered by original speaker, which is humanly impossible even for a veteran one||Here acute ears, of course, do not necessarily mean that the interpreter must grasp every word uttered by original speaker, which is humanly impossible even for a veteran one||Here acute ears, of course, do not necessarily mean that the interpreter must grasp every word uttered by original speaker, which is humanly impossible even for a veteran one||Here acute ears, of course, do not necessarily mean that the interpreter must grasp every word uttered by original speaker, which is humanly impossible even for a veteran one. However, he/she is strictly required to catch the main ideas||However, he/she is strictly required to catch the main ideas||However, he/she is strictly required to catch the main ideas||However, he/she is strictly required to catch the main ideas. Usually it is common that an interpreter may fail to identify some terminologies||Usually it is common that an interpreter may fail to identify some terminologies||Usually it is common that an interpreter may fail to identify some terminologies||Usually it is common that an interpreter may fail to identify some terminologies. When under such circumstances, a tactful one knows hoe to get himself out||When under such circumstances, a tactful one knows hoe to get himself out||When under such circumstances, a tactful one knows hoe to get himself out||When under such circumstances, a tactful one knows hoe to get himself out. He would never turn the new word in mind over and over again||He would never turn the new word in mind over and over again||He would never turn the new word in mind over and over again||He would never turn the new word in mind over and over again. In consecutive interpretation, a few seconds' delay denies an interpreter, so he simply cannot afford pondering over a word, a phrase or an idiom at the cost of losing the thread of the speaker, and instead, he would, and he should wisely leap them, try to catch the next follow of words in order to continue||In consecutive interpretation, a few seconds' delay denies an interpreter, so he simply cannot afford pondering over a word, a phrase or an idiom at the cost of losing the thread of the speaker, and instead, he would, and he should wisely leap them, try to catch the next follow of words in order to continue||In consecutive interpretation, a few seconds' delay denies an interpreter, so he simply cannot afford pondering over a word, a phrase or an idiom at the cost of losing the thread of the speaker, and instead, he would, and he should wisely leap them, try to catch the next follow of words in order to continue||In consecutive interpretation, a few seconds' delay denies an interpreter, so he simply cannot afford pondering over a word, a phrase or an idiom at the cost of losing the thread of the speaker, and instead, he would, and he should wisely leap them, try to catch the next follow of words in order to continue. Generally, without impairing the interpreting performance, coherence should be the primary pursuit||Generally, without impairing the interpreting performance, coherence should be the primary pursuit||Generally, without impairing the interpreting performance, coherence should be the primary pursuit||Generally, without impairing the interpreting performance, coherence should be the primary pursuit.

In fact, not all persons who have keen ears can be competent in interpreting||In fact, not all persons who have keen ears can be competent in interpreting||In fact, not all persons who have keen ears can be competent in interpreting||In fact, not all persons who have keen ears can be competent in interpreting. Interpretation is by no means a linguistic understanding, and therefore an interpreter is by no means merely a language holder, an intellectual, a statesman, or an orator alone, but a prefect combination of them all, a living dictionary, a living encyclopedia||Interpretation is by no means a linguistic understanding, and therefore an interpreter is by no means merely a language holder, an intellectual, a statesman, or an orator alone, but a prefect combination of them all, a living dictionary, a living encyclopedia||Interpretation is by no means a linguistic understanding, and therefore an interpreter is by no means merely a language holder, an intellectual, a statesman, or an orator alone, but a prefect combination of them all, a living dictionary, a living encyclopedia||Interpretation is by no means a linguistic understanding, and therefore an interpreter is by no means merely a language holder, an intellectual, a statesman, or an orator alone, but a prefect combination of them all, a living dictionary, a living encyclopedia. It goes without any exaggeration that a qualified interpreter is surely to know almost everything under the sun, update himself to the latest science and technology, the latest international affairs, and get familiar with all cultures||It goes without any exaggeration that a qualified interpreter is surely to know almost everything under the sun, update himself to the latest science and technology, the latest international affairs, and get familiar with all cultures||It goes without any exaggeration that a qualified interpreter is surely to know almost everything under the sun, update himself to the latest science and technology, the latest international affairs, and get familiar with all cultures||It goes without any exaggeration that a qualified interpreter is surely to know almost everything under the sun, update himself to the latest science and technology, the latest international affairs, and get familiar with all cultures. That sounds impossible, but many interpreters did challenge “the impossibles”, and arduous efforts and constant practice have already put them closer to the possibilities||That sounds impossible, but many interpreters did challenge“ the impossibles”, and arduous efforts and constant practice have already put them closer to the possibilities||That sounds impossible, but many interpreters did challenge“ the impossibles”, and arduous efforts and constant practice have already put them closer to the possibilities|| That sounds impossible, but many interpreters did challenge“ the impossibles”, and arduous efforts and constant practice have already put them closer to the possibilities. To some extent, this also guaranteed the interpreting quality||To some extent, this also guaranteed the interpreting quality||To some extent, this also guaranteed the interpreting quality||To some extent, this also guaranteed the interpreting quality.

Parallel to acute ears, long term memory is another prerequisite in translating, or linguistic transference||Parallel to acute ears, long term memory is another prerequisite in translating, or linguistic transference||Parallel to acute ears, long term memory is another prerequisite in translating, or linguistic transference||Parallel to acute ears, long term memory is another prerequisite in translating, or linguistic transference. According to psycholinguists, anything stays in one’s mind for longer than two seconds is regarded as long term memory||According to psycholinguists, anything stays in one' s mind for longer than two seconds is regarded as long term memory||According to psycholinguists, anything stays in one' s mind for longer than two seconds is regarded as long term memory|| According to psycholinguists, anything stays in one' s mind for longer than two seconds is regarded as long term memory. But long and complex figures, proper names of persons and places which frequent interpreters are great challenges even to a good memory and naturally , this gives rise to of note-taking that is used as auxiliary memory||But long and complex figures, proper names of persons and places which frequent interpreters are great challenges even to a good memory and naturally , this gives rise to of note-taking that is used as auxiliary memory||But long and complex figures, proper names of persons and places which frequent interpreters are great challenges even to a good memory and naturally , this gives rise to of note-taking that is used as auxiliary memory||But long and complex figures, proper names of persons and places which frequent interpreters are great challenges even to a good memory and naturally , this gives rise to of note-taking that is used as auxiliary memory. An effective interpreter must be good at taking notes||An effective interpreter must be good at taking notes||An effective interpreter must be good at taking notes||An effective interpreter must be good at taking notes. While concentrating on listening to the speaker, he takes down a few key words and figures, or just one or two signs and symbols representing certain meaning to serve as hints and clue||While concentrating on listening to the speaker, he takes down a few key words and figures, or just one or two signs and symbols representing certain meaning to serve as hints and clue||While concentrating on listening to the speaker, he takes down a few key words and figures, or just one or two signs and symbols representing certain meaning to serve as hints and clue||While concentrating on listening to the speaker, he takes down a few key words and figures, or just one or two signs and symbols representing certain meaning to serve as hints and clue. Mainly the aim of taking notes is to complement memory efficiency and ensure accuracy in interpreting||Mainly the aim of taking notes is to complement memory efficiency and ensure accuracy in interpreting||Mainly the aim of taking notes is to complement memory efficiency and ensure accuracy in interpreting||Mainly the aim of taking notes is to complement memory efficiency and ensure accuracy in interpreting.

To be proficient in note-taking so as to facilitate the translating process, interpreters are advised to be mindful of the following principles:1 Write as few words as possible||To be proficient in note-taking so as to facilitate the translating process, interpreters are advised to be mindful of the following principles:1 Write as few words as possible||To be proficient in note-taking so as to facilitate the translating process, interpreters are advised to be mindful of the following principles:1 Write as few words as possible||To be proficient in note-taking so as to facilitate the translating process, interpreters are advised to be mindful of the following principles:1 Write as few words as possible. When taking notes, interpreters must at the save time open their ears and minds and they have little time at disposal-even though they can gain much time-it is still preferable to be brief and reduce notes to the minimum in number, for too many symbols may confuse interpreter themselves.2 Better to take notes in target language, which can solve problems of transference in the mean time||When taking notes, interpreters must at the save time open their ears and minds and they have little time at disposal - even though they can gain much time - it is still preferable to be brief and reduce notes to the minimum in number, for too many symbols may confuse interpreter themselves.2 Better to take notes in target language, which can solve problems of transference in the mean time||When taking notes, interpreters must at the save time open their ears and minds and they have little time at disposal - even though they can gain much time - it is still preferable to be brief and reduce notes to the minimum in number, for too many symbols may confuse interpreter themselves.2 Better to take notes in target language, which can solve problems of transference in the mean time|| When taking notes, interpreters must at the save time open their ears and minds and they have little time at disposal - even though they can gain much time - it is still preferable to be brief and reduce notes to the minimum in number, for too many symbols may confuse interpreter themselves.2 Better to take notes in target language, which can solve problems of transference in the mean time. 3 Be sure the notes are logical legible||Be sure the notes are logical legible||Be sure the notes are logical legible||Be sure the notes are logical legible. An interpreter has much freedom in taking notes according to personal style, for the notes are just for his own rendition||An interpreter has much freedom in taking notes according to personal style, for the notes are just for his own rendition||An interpreter has much freedom in taking notes according to personal style, for the notes are just for his own rendition||An interpreter has much freedom in taking notes according to personal style, for the notes are just for his own rendition. But whatever his style is, one thing that should bear in mind is that taking note is for the sake of HELP, so legibility is quite necessary||But whatever his style is, one thing that should bear in mind is that taking note is for the sake of HELP, so legibility is quite necessary||But whatever his style is, one thing that should bear in mind is that taking note is for the sake of HELP, so legibility is quite necessary||But whatever his style is, one thing that should bear in mind is that taking note is for the sake of HELP, so legibility is quite necessary.

Another thing is expected of good memory is exceptionally large vocabulary and a great wealth of relevant important formulation along with corresponding translation in target language so that when need arises, they can be brought into natural use||Another thing is expected of good memory is exceptionally large vocabulary and a great wealth of relevant important formulation along with corresponding translation in target language so that when need arises, they can be brought into natural use||Another thing is expected of good memory is exceptionally large vocabulary and a great wealth of relevant important formulation along with corresponding translation in target language so that when need arises, they can be brought into natural use||Another thing is expected of good memory is exceptionally large vocabulary and a great wealth of relevant important formulation along with corresponding translation in target language so that when need arises, they can be brought into natural use.

What contribute most to an ideal interpreting performance is as said earlier, the encyclopedic knowledge, which includes a good command of concerning languages(source language and target language), a fairly good knowledge of politics, economy, history and geography, a proficient identifying, understanding, discriminating, and absorbing of all revelant expressions, terms, and acronyms as well||What contribute most to an ideal interpreting performance is as said earlier, the encyclopedic knowledge, which includes a good command of concerning languages(source language and target language), a fairly good knowledge of politics, economy, history and geography, a proficient identifying, understanding, discriminating, and absorbing of all revelant expressions, terms, and acronyms as well||What contribute most to an ideal interpreting performance is as said earlier, the encyclopedic knowledge, which includes a good command of concerning languages(source language and target language), a fairly good knowledge of politics, economy, history and geography, a proficient identifying, understanding, discriminating, and absorbing of all revelant expressions, terms, and acronyms as well||What contribute most to an ideal interpreting performance is as said earlier, the encyclopedic knowledge, which includes a good command of concerning languages(source language and target language), a fairly good knowledge of politics, economy, history and geography, a proficient identifying, understanding, discriminating, and absorbing of all revelant expressions, terms, and acronyms as well. To be specific, if an interpreter has only a good foundation of either of the concerning culture while he is weak in the other, he will have problem in understanding or in delivering||To be specific, if an interpreter has only a good foundation of either of the concerning culture while he is weak in the other, he will have problem in understanding or in delivering||To be specific, if an interpreter has only a good foundation of either of the concerning culture while he is weak in the other, he will have problem in understanding or in delivering||To be specific, if an interpreter has only a good foundation of either of the concerning culture while he is weak in the other, he will have problem in understanding or in delivering. Many newly-trained interpreters often complain that besides highly professional subjects, another difficulty finds expressions in the rendition of idioms, similarly in Chinese, which are forcible, terse and vivid and therefore are frequently employed||Many newly-trained interpreters often complain that besides highly professional subjects, another difficulty finds expressions in the rendition of idioms, similarly in Chinese, which are forcible, terse and vivid and therefore are frequently employed||Many newly-trained interpreters often complain that besides highly professional subjects, another difficulty finds expressions in the rendition of idioms, similarly in Chinese, which are forcible, terse and vivid and therefore are frequently employed||Many newly-trained interpreters often complain that besides highly professional subjects, another difficulty finds expressions in the rendition of idioms, similarly in Chinese, which are forcible, terse and vivid and therefore are frequently employed. To a non-native interpreter, some idioms are totally new and have no given renditions||To a non-native interpreter, some idioms are totally new and have no given renditions||To a non-native interpreter, some idioms are totally new and have no given renditions||To a non-native interpreter, some idioms are totally new and have no given renditions. Facing such puzzling idioms, an interpreter firstly is to distinguish exactly whether they are commendatory terms or derogatory ones, then he can render the overall meaning not word-for-word in the light of context||Facing such puzzling idioms, an interpreter firstly is to distinguish exactly whether they are commendatory terms or derogatory ones, then he can render the overall meaning not word-for-word in the light of context||Facing such puzzling idioms, an interpreter firstly is to distinguish exactly whether they are commendatory terms or derogatory ones, then he can render the overall meaning not word-for-word in the light of context||Facing such puzzling idioms, an interpreter firstly is to distinguish exactly whether they are commendatory terms or derogatory ones, then he can render the overall meaning not word-for-word in the light of context. Sometimes it would be better to find an idiom or a proverb that corresponds exactly to that in the source language, because the familiar expressions would be better understood by audience||Sometimes it would be better to find an idiom or a proverb that corresponds exactly to that in the source language, because the familiar expressions would be better understood by audience||Sometimes it would be better to find an idiom or a proverb that corresponds exactly to that in the source language, because the familiar expressions would be better understood by audience||Sometimes it would be better to find an idiom or a proverb that corresponds exactly to that in the source language, because the familiar expressions would be better understood by audience. Here an example can say clearly||Here an example can say clearly||Here an example can say clearly||Here an example can say clearly. An English proverb is “justice has long arms.”||An English proverb is“ justice has long arms||An English proverb is” justice has long arms.“||An English proverb is” justice has long arms||An English proverb is“ justice has long arms||An English proverb is” justice has long arms||An English proverb is“ justice has long arms.” It originally means justice’s long arms can take any evil||It originally means justice' s long arms can take any evil||It originally means justice' s long arms can take any evil|| It originally means justice' s long arms can take any evil. Coincidentally a Chinese proverb corresponding to it is “法网恢恢,疏而不漏”, which is certainly more understandable than the word-for word translation “正义有很长的胳膊”to Chinese audience||Coincidentally a Chinese proverb corresponding to it is“ dragnet of justice large, 疏 but gastight”, which is certainly more understandable than the word- for word translation“ justice contain very long arm” to Chinese audience||Coincidentally a Chinese proverb corresponding to it is“ dragnet of justice large, 疏 but gastight”, which is certainly more understandable than the word- for word translation“ the justice have the very long arm the ” to Chinese audience|| Coincidentally a Chinese proverb corresponding to it is“ dragnet of justice large, 疏 but gastight”, which is certainly more understandable than the word- for word translation“ justice contain very long arm” to Chinese audience. In general, such correspondence is few and will not be used until they correspond closely and exactly to each other, otherwise, it would rather “sound flat” than “elegant but erroneous”||In general, such correspondence is few and will not be used until they correspond closely and exactly to each other, otherwise, it would rather“ sound flat” than“ elegant but erroneous||In general, such correspondence is few and will not be used until they correspond closely and exactly to each other, otherwise, it would rather” sound flat“ than” elegant but erroneous“|| In general, such correspondence is few and will not be used until they correspond closely and exactly to each other, otherwise, it would rather” sound flat“ than” elegant but erroneous“.

Fortunately, linguistic weakness is not the headache to interpreters, others, on the contrary, generally known as trivial language are really touchstones, some experienced ones maybe stumble here||Fortunately, linguistic weakness is not the headache to interpreters, others, on the contrary, generally known as trivial language are really touchstones, some experienced ones maybe stumble here||Fortunately, linguistic weakness is not the headache to interpreters, others, on the contrary, generally known as trivial language are really touchstones, some experienced ones maybe stumble here||Fortunately, linguistic weakness is not the headache to interpreters, others, on the contrary, generally known as trivial language are really touchstones, some experienced ones maybe stumble here. On conference, for instance, reporters are required to identify themselves and the agencies they represent before questing||On conference, for instance, reporters are required to identify themselves and the agencies they represent before questing||On conference, for instance, reporters are required to identify themselves and the agencies they represent before questing||On conference, for instance, reporters are required to identify themselves and the agencies they represent before questing. This gives request to interpreters that they should get themselves acquainted with the major agencies in the word, otherwise, such a failure would betray their limit of professional knowledge and hence, let down the audience as well as the speaker: they may infer that the interpreter is incapable||This gives request to interpreters that they should get themselves acquainted with the major agencies in the word, otherwise, such a failure would betray their limit of professional knowledge and hence, let down the audience as well as the speaker: they may infer that the interpreter is incapable||This gives request to interpreters that they should get themselves acquainted with the major agencies in the word, otherwise, such a failure would betray their limit of professional knowledge and hence, let down the audience as well as the speaker: they may infer that the interpreter is incapable||This gives request to interpreters that they should get themselves acquainted with the major agencies in the word, otherwise, such a failure would betray their limit of professional knowledge and hence, let down the audience as well as the speaker: they may infer that the interpreter is incapable.

At this respect, bilingual familiarity with the influential figures’ names is definitely to be in the interpreters’ domain A typical example in point is the translation of the name Xiao Wanchang, pronounced this way by vice-premier Qian Qichen, another member of the panel at premier Zhu Rongji’s press conference held in March, .When interpreting, Zhu Tong, assigned interpreter and the vice Director of the Ministry’s Protocol Department, skillfully gave the proper translation of the name, which is “Vincent Xiu” instead of spelling the name in pinyin, which maybe expose her ignorance of the figures in cross straits relations and frustrate the expert’s fault-finding ears||At this respect, bilingual familiarity with the influential figures' names is definitely to be in the interpreters' domain A typical example in point is the translation of the name Xiao Wanchang, pronounced this way by vice- premier Qian Qichen, another member of the panel at premier Zhu Rongji' s press conference held in March,1998.When interpreting, Zhu Tong, assigned interpreter and the vice Director of the Ministry' s Protocol Department, skillfully gave the proper translation of the name, which is” Vincent Xiu“ instead of spelling the name in pinyin, which maybe expose her ignorance of the figures in cross straits relations and frustrate the expert' s fault- finding ears||At this respect, bilingual familiarity with the influential figures' names is definitely to be in the interpreters' domain A typical example in point is the translation of the name Xiao Wanchang, pronounced this way by vice- premier Qian Qichen, another member of the panel at premier Zhu Rongji' s press conference held in March,1998.When interpreting, Zhu Tong, assigned interpreter and the vice Director of the Ministry' s Protocol Department, skillfully gave the proper translation of the name, which is” Vincent Xiu“ instead of spelling the name in pinyin, which maybe expose her ignorance of the figures in cross straits relations and frustrate the expert' s fault- finding ears|| At this respect, bilingual familiarity with the influential figures' names is definitely to be in the interpreters' domain A typical example in point is the translation of the name Xiao Wanchang, pronounced this way by vice- premier Qian Qichen, another member of the panel at premier Zhu Rongji' s press conference held in March,1998.When interpreting, Zhu Tong, assigned interpreter and the vice Director of the Ministry' s Protocol Department, skillfully gave the proper translation of the name, which is” Vincent Xiu“ instead of spelling the name in pinyin, which maybe expose her ignorance of the figures in cross straits relations and frustrate the expert' s fault- finding ears.

Perhaps it sounds like alarming talk, but an ambitious interpreter would never afford to ignore such triviality||Perhaps it sounds like alarming talk, but an ambitious interpreter would never afford to ignore such triviality||Perhaps it sounds like alarming talk, but an ambitious interpreter would never afford to ignore such triviality||Perhaps it sounds like alarming talk, but an ambitious interpreter would never afford to ignore such triviality. Believe it or not, it is here that many have met their waterloo||Believe it or not, it is here that many have met their waterloo||Believe it or not, it is here that many have met their waterloo||Believe it or not, it is here that many have met their waterloo.

The request of encyclopedic knowledge also includes that the interpreters must familiarize themselves with the jargons in every field to prepare for the interpretation of the talk shops, that is highly professional conversations concerning with real estate, stock exchange and so on||The request of encyclopedic knowledge also includes that the interpreters must familiarize themselves with the jargons in every field to prepare for the interpretation of the talk shops, that is highly professional conversations concerning with real estate, stock exchange and so on||The request of encyclopedic knowledge also includes that the interpreters must familiarize themselves with the jargons in every field to prepare for the interpretation of the talk shops, that is highly professional conversations concerning with real estate, stock exchange and so on||The request of encyclopedic knowledge also includes that the interpreters must familiarize themselves with the jargons in every field to prepare for the interpretation of the talk shops, that is highly professional conversations concerning with real estate, stock exchange and so on.

Good memory and rich knowledge are foundation but far from enough to ensure an excellent performance||Good memory and rich knowledge are foundation but far from enough to ensure an excellent performance||Good memory and rich knowledge are foundation but far from enough to ensure an excellent performance||Good memory and rich knowledge are foundation but far from enough to ensure an excellent performance. A senior interpreter is to be quite conscious that some “tricks” are indispensable and helpful in the process of translating||A senior interpreter is to be quite conscious that some” tricks“ are indispensable and helpful in the process of translating||A senior interpreter is to be quite conscious that some” tricks“ are indispensable and helpful in the process of translating|| A senior interpreter is to be quite conscious that some” tricks" are indispensable and helpful in the process of translating. A speaker who is giving a prepared speech would not stop for being interpreted until he has finished a paragraph||A speaker who is giving a prepared speech would not stop for being interpreted until he has finished a paragraph||A speaker who is giving a prepared speech would not stop for being interpreted until he has finished a paragraph||A speaker who is giving a prepared speech would not stop for being interpreted until he has finished a paragraph. Under such circumstances, the interpreter must be deft at logically dividing the long paragraph into several sense groups to facilitate his work||Under such circumstances, the interpreter must be deft at logically dividing the long paragraph into several sense groups to facilitate his work||Under such circumstances, the interpreter must be deft at logically dividing the long paragraph into several sense groups to facilitate his work||Under such circumstances, the interpreter must be deft at logically dividing the long paragraph into several sense groups to facilitate his work. Here challenge rises again: he is about to strike a proper balance between listening and thinking so that he can follow the speaker and at the same time analyze the speech, this to some degree requires the ability of analyzing while listening is more an instinct than a skill||Here challenge rises again: he is about to strike a proper balance between listening and thinking so that he can follow the speaker and at the same time analyze the speech, this to some degree requires the ability of analyzing while listening is more an instinct than a skill||Here challenge rises again: he is about to strike a proper balance between listening and thinking so that he can follow the speaker and at the same time analyze the speech, this to some degree requires the ability of analyzing while listening is more an instinct than a skill||Here challenge rises again: he is about to strike a proper balance between listening and thinking so that he can follow the speaker and at the same time analyze the speech, this to some degree requires the ability of analyzing while listening is more an instinct than a skill.

As there exists no perfect person, there exists no absolutely perfect interpreter||As there exists no perfect person, there exists no absolutely perfect interpreter||As there exists no perfect person, there exists no absolutely perfect interpreter||As there exists no perfect person, there exists no absolutely perfect interpreter. Even long-standing interpreters may meet unfamiliar words or miss out some familiar words for one reason or another||Even long-standing interpreters may meet unfamiliar words or miss out some familiar words for one reason or another||Even long-standing interpreters may meet unfamiliar words or miss out some familiar words for one reason or another||Even long-standing interpreters may meet unfamiliar words or miss out some familiar words for one reason or another. When trapped in such a dilemma, an experienced interpreter would remain calm and try to supplement his omission without being found nor without damaging the performance||When trapped in such a dilemma, an experienced interpreter would remain calm and try to supplement his omission without being found nor without damaging the performance||When trapped in such a dilemma, an experienced interpreter would remain calm and try to supplement his omission without being found nor without damaging the performance||When trapped in such a dilemma, an experienced interpreter would remain calm and try to supplement his omission without being found nor without damaging the performance. While for a green hand, it will be totally different: he would be too nervous about his omission-nervousness is definitely a taboo-and fail to link the thread||While for a green hand, it will be totally different: He would be too nervous about his omission - nervousness is definitely a taboo - and fail to link the thread||While for a green hand, it will be totally different: He would be too nervous about his omission - nervousness is definitely a taboo - and fail to link the thread|| While for a green hand, it will be totally different: He would be too nervous about his omission - nervousness is definitely a taboo - and fail to link the thread. It is really a disaster||It is really a disaster||It is really a disaster||It is really a disaster.

Then come to third step, speaking, also called delivery||Then come to third step, speaking, also called delivery||Then come to third step, speaking, also called delivery||Then come to third step, speaking, also called delivery. Last as it is, it is not the least, because any problem in this step will mar, or much worse, futilize the former efforts||Last as it is, it is not the least, because any problem in this step will mar, or much worse, futilize the former efforts||Last as it is, it is not the least, because any problem in this step will mar, or much worse, futilize the former efforts||Last as it is, it is not the least, because any problem in this step will mar, or much worse, futilize the former efforts. No matter how well done, an interpreter is ultimately recognized in light of his delivery||No matter how well done, an interpreter is ultimately recognized in light of his delivery||No matter how well done, an interpreter is ultimately recognized in light of his delivery||No matter how well done, an interpreter is ultimately recognized in light of his delivery. To ensure the impending success, the structure of spoken English, so called by linguists and mainly refers to stressing, pronunciation, rhythm and word order should be kept in an interpreter’s knowledge, and the knowledge can enable him to be better understood by both the audience and the speaker||To ensure the impending success, the structure of spoken English, so called by linguists and mainly refers to stressing, pronunciation, rhythm and word order should be kept in an interpreter' s knowledge, and the knowledge can enable him to be better understood by both the audience and the speaker||To ensure the impending success, the structure of spoken English, so called by linguists and mainly refers to stressing, pronunciation, rhythm and word order should be kept in an interpreter' s knowledge, and the knowledge can enable him to be better understood by both the audience and the speaker|| To ensure the impending success, the structure of spoken English, so called by linguists and mainly refers to stressing, pronunciation, rhythm and word order should be kept in an interpreter' s knowledge, and the knowledge can enable him to be better understood by both the audience and the speaker.

Speed control is another necessary consideration||Speed control is another necessary consideration||Speed control is another necessary consideration||Speed control is another necessary consideration. Generally, the delivering speed depends on at least three factors, namely the physical environment of the venue, the style of the speech, and the speed of the original speaker||Generally, the delivering speed depends on at least three factors, namely the physical environment of the venue, the style of the speech, and the speed of the original speaker||Generally, the delivering speed depends on at least three factors, namely the physical environment of the venue, the style of the speech, and the speed of the original speaker||Generally, the delivering speed depends on at least three factors, namely the physical environment of the venue, the style of the speech, and the speed of the original speaker. However, many interpreting personals find it difficult to follow the rules strictly, and on the contrary, they tend to go fast when the material is easy to interpret while slow down considerably when the material is difficult||However, many interpreting personals find it difficult to follow the rules strictly, and on the contrary, they tend to go fast when the material is easy to interpret while slow down considerably when the material is difficult||However, many interpreting personals find it difficult to follow the rules strictly, and on the contrary, they tend to go fast when the material is easy to interpret while slow down considerably when the material is difficult||However, many interpreting personals find it difficult to follow the rules strictly, and on the contrary, they tend to go fast when the material is easy to interpret while slow down considerably when the material is difficult. Both extremes are inappropriate: fast pace will create tension on the concentration for speaker as well as audience, and the slow pace will try on the audience and speaker’s attention and patience span||Both extremes are inappropriate: Fast pace will create tension on the concentration for speaker as well as audience, and the slow pace will try on the audience and speaker' s attention and patience span||Both extremes are inappropriate: Fast pace will create tension on the concentration for speaker as well as audience, and the slow pace will try on the audience and speaker' s attention and patience span|| Both extremes are inappropriate: Fast pace will create tension on the concentration for speaker as well as audience, and the slow pace will try on the audience and speaker' s attention and patience span. Experts say the optional speed on a press conference to pursue accuracy and fluency is 2.5-3 words per second||Experts say the optional speed on a press conference to pursue accuracy and fluency is 2.5-3 words per second||Experts say the optional speed on a press conference to pursue accuracy and fluency is 2.5-3 words per second||Experts say the optional speed on a press conference to pursue accuracy and fluency is 2.5-3 words per second. Besides speed control, feeling control is also an indispensable element that should be taken into consideration||Besides speed control, feeling control is also an indispensable element that should be taken into consideration||Besides speed control, feeling control is also an indispensable element that should be taken into consideration||Besides speed control, feeling control is also an indispensable element that should be taken into consideration. If the speech or conversation is serious, formal and important, then the interpreter should be solemn, carry his voice well and be sure his voice is pleasant to ears||If the speech or conversation is serious, formal and important, then the interpreter should be solemn, carry his voice well and be sure his voice is pleasant to ears||If the speech or conversation is serious, formal and important, then the interpreter should be solemn, carry his voice well and be sure his voice is pleasant to ears||If the speech or conversation is serious, formal and important, then the interpreter should be solemn, carry his voice well and be sure his voice is pleasant to ears. In short, to form a habit of speaking intelligibly, naturally and avoid being affected is conductive to comfort the audience||In short, to form a habit of speaking intelligibly, naturally and avoid being affected is conductive to comfort the audience||In short, to form a habit of speaking intelligibly, naturally and avoid being affected is conductive to comfort the audience||In short, to form a habit of speaking intelligibly, naturally and avoid being affected is conductive to comfort the audience.

Since interpreting work involves both the interpreter and the speaker, the coordination of the two also more or less influences the quality of the performance||Since interpreting work involves both the interpreter and the speaker, the coordination of the two also more or less influences the quality of the performance||Since interpreting work involves both the interpreter and the speaker, the coordination of the two also more or less influences the quality of the performance||Since interpreting work involves both the interpreter and the speaker, the coordination of the two also more or less influences the quality of the performance. Therefore, efforts should be directed by the interpreter to establish a close, tacit and favourable cooperation with the speaker within the shortest time possible||Therefore, efforts should be directed by the interpreter to establish a close, tacit and favourable cooperation with the speaker within the shortest time possible||Therefore, efforts should be directed by the interpreter to establish a close, tacit and favourable cooperation with the speaker within the shortest time possible||Therefore, efforts should be directed by the interpreter to establish a close, tacit and favourable cooperation with the speaker within the shortest time possible. An understanding speaker will try to use common words and pause opportunely and logically to ease his partner’s work||An understanding speaker will try to use common words and pause opportunely and logically to ease his partner' s work||An understanding speaker will try to use common words and pause opportunely and logically to ease his partner' s work|| An understanding speaker will try to use common words and pause opportunely and logically to ease his partner' s work.

Prerequisites for interpretation are usually four-fold, referring to linguistic proficiency, encyclopedic knowledge, mastery of interpretation skills and a strong sense of duty||Prerequisites for interpretation are usually four - fold, referring to linguistic proficiency, encyclopedic knowledge, mastery of interpretation skills and a strong sense of duty||Prerequisites for interpretation are usually four - fold, referring to linguistic proficiency, encyclopedic knowledge, mastery of interpretation skills and a strong sense of duty|| Prerequisites for interpretation are usually four - fold, referring to linguistic proficiency, encyclopedic knowledge, mastery of interpretation skills and a strong sense of duty. Among which the former three have been discussed and as for strong sense of duty, it means full preparation pre-interpretation and strong and constant desire for self-improvement in the process of training and ability by the professional ethics as well||Among which the former three have been discussed and as for strong sense of duty, it means full preparation pre-interpretation and strong and constant desire for self-improvement in the process of training and ability by the professional ethics as well||Among which the former three have been discussed and as for strong sense of duty, it means full preparation pre-interpretation and strong and constant desire for self-improvement in the process of training and ability by the professional ethics as well||Among which the former three have been discussed and as for strong sense of duty, it means full preparation pre-interpretation and strong and constant desire for self-improvement in the process of training and ability by the professional ethics as well. The career of interpreting doesn’t go easy, interpreters are frequently put into different cultures and various professional spheres ranging from ancient history to modern science||The career of interpreting doesn' t go easy, interpreters are frequently put into different cultures and various professional spheres ranging from ancient history to modern science||The career of interpreting doesn' t go easy, interpreters are frequently put into different cultures and various professional spheres ranging from ancient history to modern science|| The career of interpreting doesn' t go easy, interpreters are frequently put into different cultures and various professional spheres ranging from ancient history to modern science. Due to such characteristics of his job, an ambitious and conscientious interpreter should keep on improving and modernizing himself||Due to such characteristics of his job, an ambitious and conscientious interpreter should keep on improving and modernizing himself||Due to such characteristics of his job, an ambitious and conscientious interpreter should keep on improving and modernizing himself||Due to such characteristics of his job, an ambitious and conscientious interpreter should keep on improving and modernizing himself.

The fact that such a broad knowledge and series of techniques and skills are needed in oral interpretation simultaneously gives birth to a brief view held by experts in this field that a prefect interpreter is NOT born, but trained, trained by honest and persistent practice||The fact that such a broad knowledge and series of techniques and skills are needed in oral interpretation simultaneously gives birth to a brief view held by experts in this field that a prefect interpreter is NOT born, but trained, trained by honest and persistent practice||The fact that such a broad knowledge and series of techniques and skills are needed in oral interpretation simultaneously gives birth to a brief view held by experts in this field that a prefect interpreter is NOT born, but trained, trained by honest and persistent practice||The fact that such a broad knowledge and series of techniques and skills are needed in oral interpretation simultaneously gives birth to a brief view held by experts in this field that a prefect interpreter is NOT born, but trained, trained by honest and persistent practice. No matter what strategies are employed to train an interpreter, there exists no crash course, no shortcut, no secret-and even there does exist so-called secret, they hold that that undoubtedly is practice, practice, and practice, because genuine knowledge comes from practice, and practice makes perfect||No matter what strategies are employed to train an interpreter, there exists no crash course, no shortcut, no secret - and even there does exist so- called secret, they hold that that undoubtedly is practice, practice, and practice, because genuine knowledge comes from practice, and practice makes perfect||No matter what strategies are employed to train an interpreter, there exists no crash course, no shortcut, no secret - and even there does exist so- called secret, they hold that that undoubtedly is practice, practice, and practice, because genuine knowledge comes from practice, and practice makes perfect|| No matter what strategies are employed to train an interpreter, there exists no crash course, no shortcut, no secret - and even there does exist so- called secret, they hold that that undoubtedly is practice, practice, and practice, because genuine knowledge comes from practice, and practice makes perfect.


.A Practical Handbook of Interpretation Zhong Kongshu, China External Translating Press||A Practical Handbook of Interpretation Zhong Kongshu, China External Translating Press||A Practical Handbook of Interpretation Zhong Kongshu, China External Translating Press||A Practical Handbook of Interpretation Zhong Kongshu, China External Translating Press,1991

.An Intermediate Course of English-Chinese Interpretation, Mei Deming, Shanghai Teaching and Education Press||An Intermediate Course of English-Chinese Interpretation, Mei Deming, Shanghai Teaching and Education Press||An Intermediate Course of English-Chinese Interpretation, Mei Deming, Shanghai Teaching and Education Press||An Intermediate Course of English-Chinese Interpretation, Mei Deming, Shanghai Teaching and Education Press

.Zhu Tong-The interpreter, Hong Zhilin, Crazy English||Zhu Tong - The interpreter, Hong Zhilin, Crazy English||Zhu Tong - The interpreter, Hong Zhilin, Crazy English|| Zhu Tong - The interpreter, Hong Zhilin, Crazy English,1998

.What Makes a Good Interpreter, Xiao Jie, Crazy English||What Makes a Good Interpreter, Xiao Jie, Crazy English||What Makes a Good Interpreter, Xiao Jie, Crazy English||What Makes a Good Interpreter, Xiao Jie, Crazy English,1998














































XX组 XX 201X年9月19日。



























组 长:


成 员:














实行百分制,比赛分理论知识和操作两部分,其分值分别占40% 和60%,重点考核参赛人员的岗位知识的全面性,操作技能的规范性及熟练程度。


(一)第一阶段--宣传动员 (9月25日至9月30日)


(二)第二阶段--岗位练兵 (10月1日至11月10日)


(三)第三阶段--技能比武 (11月11日至12月15日) 由工程科负责技能比武阶段理论和实操考试试卷的编制、比武程序、比赛规则、评判标准的制订。公司比武办公室结合生产实际开展技能比武,负责考试时间的确定、监考人的安排及阅卷工作,根据成绩从高到低排定名次。



地面钻探工参赛人数33人,设一等奖一名,二等奖二名,三等奖三名,其中一等奖奖励800元, 二等奖每人奖励600元,三等奖每人奖励500元。

井下钻探工参赛人数57人,设一等奖一名,二等奖四名,三等奖六名,其中一等奖奖励800元, 二等奖每人奖励600元,三等奖每人奖励500元。




3. 各相关科室,要明确责任,落实任务,严格按本方案规划的步骤和确定的内容圆满完成比赛任务。













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