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摘要:江西省生态系统服务功能主要包括水源涵养、水土保持、环境净化、生物多样性保护、旅游休闲和产品提供等功能.根据生态系统生态服务价值当量因子表,应用GIS技术进行数据处理与统计分析江西省农田生态系统、森林生态系统、水域生态系统和草地生态系统四大类生态系统服务的价值量.结果表明江西省生态系统服务的价值量最低可达到3164.07亿元;农田生态系统、森林生态系统、水域生态系统和草地生态系统四大类生态系统服务的`价值量占总价值量的4.33%、78.81%、16.52%和0.34%;在11个地市中,生态系统服务价值量最高的是赣州市,为681.16亿元,最低的是新余市,为56.66亿元.作 者:邓红兵    王英明    张巧显    郑博福    王延春  作者单位:邓红兵,王英明,张巧显,郑博福(中国科学院,生态环境研究中心系统生态国家重点实验室,北京,100085)


期 刊:经济问题探索  PKUCSSCI  Journal:INQUIRY INTO ECONOMIC ISSUES 年,卷(期):, (10) 分类号:X3 关键词:江西省    生态系统服务评价   










I am University of marketing and planning professional students, in the near graduation, I restaurant for three months of internships in the past three months, my ability to work has been greatly improved, now Will be 3 months of work to do a self-appraisal.

1, to improve communication skills: As a front desk receptionist, as the hotel front-line staff, and the guests contact is face to face, is the most direct. Often receptionist word can affect the guests on the hotel's overall impression, and even affect the mood of the guests all day. How to make your own language so that guests hear comfortable, happy to hear, as a front desk receptionist must learn the course. Of course, communication is not limited to the guests, but also between colleagues, or even to the higher level. People can not help but not have emotional volatility, but this emotional fluctuations tend to affect the mood of others. How to adjust their own mentality, with the best attitude to face the guests, the face of colleagues or even superior, how to bring someone the best smile, every day I seriously think about the problem. In this internship, I not only in communication skills have been improved, but also learned how to adjust the mentality of self.

2, emergency response capacity to improve: work in the front desk, every day must be ready for battle. Because as a front desk receptionist, every day to receive different guests, in the face of different events. Guests can not help some guests will not be polite, and even the receptionist will be outrageous. Faced with this situation, how to appease the feelings of the guests, but also to protect the interests of the hotel and its own security, for me is another test.

3, the ability to work independently improved: Through this internship, I am deeply aware of the need to learn their own / fanwen / 1600 / have the ability to do this must do their own. Only to develop their own independent ability to work in progress. At work, there are problems, do not know should be bold to ask colleagues, rather than pretend to understand.Work independently, gain experience, and finally get the most suitable for their own things.

4, service awareness: as a front desk receptionist, always represents the hotel. Whether in the workplace, or walking on the road, as long as the uniforms of the hotel should always have to provide guests with the best service mean. We are the angel of the City of Smiles, all for the guests, for the guests of all, for all guests.

In the past 3 months, I have studied business training and actively participated in the job training. We are dedicated, courteous, enthusiastic, patiently answering questions, providing quality services to our customers, and constantly improving their quality and business level. , I will grow into a qualified salesperson. In the future I will work harder, I believe, I, I work in the future I would like to grow into a good staff, units to create value.



第一章 总 则

第一条 为全面贯彻落实《人身保险业务基本服务规定》,建立人身保险公司服务评价体系,提升人身保险公司服务品质和服务效率,切实维护保险消费者合法权益,促进人身保险行业持续健康发展,制定本办法,

第二条 人身保险公司应当通过实施服务评价,建立“评价、查找、整改、提高”的良性循环机制,不断优化服务流程,改善服务质量。

第三条 人身保险公司服务评价工作应当遵循下列原则:





第四条 服务评价工作由服务评价委员会统一组织、指导和协调。服务评价委员会的秘书处设在中国保险行业协会。服务评价委员会接受中国保监会的管理和指导,中国保监会人身保险监管部为服务评价委员会直接主管部门。

第五条 服务评价委员会下设人身险行业客户满意度指数(ICSI)专家委员会,负责满意度指数测评机制的制定、评估和修订。

第二章 评价体系

第六条 开业满三个会计年度的人寿保险公司、健康保险公司总公司,以及上述公司所辖的开业满三个会计年度的省级分公司、计划单列市分公司应当参与服务评价。

第七条 服务评价应当从影响服务质量的销售、承保、保全、理赔、咨询回访、投诉等环节,对人身保险公司的服务品质和服务效率进行全面评估。

第八条 除特别说明外,服务评价应当覆盖人身保险公司所有个人业务的销售和服务渠道,包括经公司授权委托提供销售或其他服务的第三方渠道。

第九条 服务评价由人身保险公司在服务评价委员会的指导下统一组织实施,覆盖总公司、省级分公司和计划单列市分公司两个层级。

第十条 服务评价指标体系由定性指标、定量指标和客户满意度指数构成。




第十一条 服务评价采取定性评价和定量评价相结合的方式,评价最终结果由定性评价得分、定量评价得分和满意度评分构成,并分别列示。






第三章 评价方法及要求

第十二条 人身保险公司应当成立服务评价执行小组,共同推动和执行服务评价工作。执行小组成员应当至少包括公司总经理、各服务环节的提供和支持部门负责人、绩效考核部门负责人。

第十三条 人身保险公司应当于每年12月31日前,对照服务评价的定性指标从制度和操作层面对公司本年度的服务质量进行评估。

第十四条 人身保险公司从制度层面开展服务质量定性评估时,应当遵循定性指标的基本原则,符合但不限于定性指标的基本要求,探索改进服务质量的方法和途径,不断完善相关的服务制度。

第十五条 人身保险公司从操作层面开展服务质量定性评估时,应当评估相关操作流程及奖惩制度在落实定性指标中的有效性,并采取抽样、实地检查等方式评估定性指标的落实效果。

第十六条 人身保险公司可于每年12月31日前将公司在评价年度采用的服务创新举措(包括方法、技术、模式等)向服务评价委员会秘书处申报,由服务评价委员会对服务举措的创新度和创新效果进行评估和公示,公示结束后根据反馈意见进行相应加分。

第十七条 人身保险公司应当对照服务评价体系的定量指标,对数据来源于公司的各项定量指标进行统计、测评和分析。保监会相关部门根据职责分工对数据来源于保监会的各项定量指标进行统计、测评和分析。

第十八条 定量评价原则上每年开展一次,除特别说明外,评价区间为每年1月1日至12月31日。各保险公司应于次年3月1日前将总公司、各省级分公司和计划单列市分公司的评价结果提交服务评价委员会的秘书处。

第十九条 人身保险公司应当自行开发数据提取程序,实现来源于公司的指标数据全部由系统自动生成,不得人为操作影响数据真实性。

第二十条 人身保险公司应当完整记录和保存定量指标测评过程中的方法、程序和数据,并可在事后再现测评过程和结果,确保测评结果的可验证性。

第四章 客户满意度测评

第二十一条 人身保险公司客户满意度测评工作由服务评价委员会组织、保险公司参与、第三方机构实施。

第二十二条 服务评价委员会应组织人身保险行业客户满意度指数专家委员会建立人身险行业客户满意度指数(ICSI,Insurance Customer Satisfaction Index),作为衡量客户服务质量的关键指标。服务评价委员会应当每年组织开展人身保险公司客户满意度测评工作,鼓励人身保险公司建立面对终端客户的满意度测评体系。

第二十三条 人身保险行业客户满意度指数体系(ICSI)包括人身保险行业整体客户满意度指数、各人身保险公司客户满意度指数、各地区人身保险行业客户满意度指数、人身保险各业务环节客户满意度指数。

第二十四条 人身保险行业客户满意度指数模型采用结构方程模型。模型由企业形象、客户期望、感知质量、感知价值、客户满意度、客户关系管理和客户忠诚度等7个潜变量构成。每个潜变量由与之对应的观测变量决定。所有观测变量的基础数据通过问卷调查方式获得。

第二十五条 人身保险行业客户满意度指数专家委员会每年应依据人身保险行业发展情况、社会关注的服务热点问题及客户满意度指数测评的连续性要求,建立和及时修订满意度指数模型,并拟定具体的《人身保险行业客户满意度指数测评实施方案》,指导客户满意度测评数据的科学采集、参与测评公司及行业的客户满意度指数的测算,每年向服务评价委员会报告人身保险公司服务质量状况和人身保险行业客户满意度指数(ICSI)。

第二十六条 《人身保险行业客户满意度指数测评实施方案》实行版本管理,每年度根据专家委员会的意见进行方案修订和版本升级,具体内容包括但不限于:调查对象、观测变量的选定,


Here I learned and promote how to improve quality service, we must master the seven elements:

1, smiling In the hotel daily business process, require each employee to treat the guests, must be reported with a sincere smile, it should be free from time, place and emotional factors, are not subject to conditions. Smile is the most vivid, the most simple, most direct welcome.

2, proficient in the work required for their employees to be proficient in every aspect, and as far as possible to be perfect. Employees should be familiar with their business work and systems, improve service skills and skills. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. In order to make himself proficient in the business, we must have a good training course and constantly sum up experience in practice to learn from each other, so that we can do our utmost in service. The quality of service and work efficiency, reduce costs and enhance competitiveness have an important role.

3, ready to be ready to serve the guests. In other words, only the sense of service is not enough, must be prepared in advance. Preparations include mental preparation and behavior preparation, as the preparation must be done in advance. Such as before the arrival of the guests, all the preparatory work for the good, at a ready to serve them in the state, not rush.

4, attention is to treat every guest as a God rather than neglect the guests. Employees are sometimes easy to overlook this part, and even negative service phenomenon. This is because the staff to see them wearing casual, low consumption, there is no feeling that the surface and other phenomena arising. In real life, often the more wealthy people, are particularly casual wear, this is because they are self-confidence; and clothes simply can not represent the number of wealth. We are in this part, do not judge people by appearance, and ignore the subtle service, we should attach importance to and treat each guest, so that they willingly consumption. We should remember that the guests are our gods.

5, fine mainly in the service of good at observation, fathom the guests psychological, predict the needs of guests, and timely provision of services, even in the guests did not request before we can do for guests, so that guests feel warm, this is what we are Speak ahead of consciousness.

6, create a warm atmosphere for the guests, the key is to emphasize the service environment before the layout, friendly manner, etc., to master the preferences and characteristics of guests, guests create a feeling of home, so guests feel like staying at the hotel back home .

7, sincere hospitality is the virtue of the Chinese nation. When guests leave, the staff should be from the heart, and through the appropriate language in good faith to invite guests to visit again, to impress the guests. Now the competition is the service competition, the quality of competition, especially in the hotel industry is particularly fierce. The importance of the service is self-evident, we must use a variety of quality services to form their own service advantages, in the fierce competition in the market to create higher customer satisfaction, the hotel invincible To!

Each profession needs to emphasize the team spirit, also in happy Di.Business is busy, colleagues can understand each other and share the trouble. Usually encountered in the more tricky customers, one person in trouble, other colleagues will go up in time to adjust disputes, so that the situation is no longer bad. A clear division of labor for each person, work actively and truly in action to do a hero to help the three results.

Usually, I will chat with customers, understand their favorite songs and recommend new songs to customer satisfaction and return. So a few more repeat customers, so that customers recommend a friend to increase the consumption rate. Then I will do some summary, this over time, so that my service more acceptable to customers and like.

As a service personnel, will encounter some setbacks and frustration.Some people will think that a small logistics staff is insignificant, some people think that I am a professional is low and not respected, but I want to say is: all roads lead to Rome, I serve others and happy, I To be here to work and happiness! I can be proud of this collective work. I think my career is like a watch, the surface of the rotation clock to give you time and joy, and inside the rotation of the tiny parts is difficult to see, but it is essential.

Of course, learn endless, learned to have to use the work in the future, I hope the leadership to more supervision, colleagues can learn from each other, in the future work to improve service efficiency, and strive to achieve a good service staff.


1, Efforts to learn, and constantly improve the operational capacity. In the work, conscientiously study the business knowledge, continue to accumulate experience, and actively participate in learning and training, and constantly enrich themselves;

2, abide by the rules and disciplines .3 months, their work is not afraid of hardship, not afraid of tired, learning excellent staff approach, and earnestly completed the work of the job tasks;

3, unity of colleagues, work together. Colleagues harmonious relationship, unity and fraternity, mutual help and mutual respect;

4, due to their lack of work experience in the work of the lack of practical experience in handling customer complaints, service work done not meticulous, this is my future direction

I have made great progress in my ability to work and work through the accumulation of my personal efforts and work experience. Since then, I have made great efforts in reviewing the past three months. To provide services to customers, and in practice to improve their quality and business level, grow into a qualified salesperson. After three months of internship, which has success, there are failures, there is joy, but also distress. In the leadership and care and guidance, with the support of my colleagues with the help of my various aspects have made great progress in the future I will work harder, I believe, I, I work in the future I would like to grow into a good staff, xx units to create value.












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